
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Dude, your 15 minutes of fame are long over

Gun control activist and Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg was escorted out of a hearing on firearms by security after interrupting it on Wednesday. 

Video footage shows the activist and left-wing provocateur standing up during the hearing and delivering an impassioned plea against guns before security ushers him out.


  1. The little turd should marry up with Beto O'Rourke. They could make a million dollors on YouPorn-Gay sucking each others semi-autos.

  2. Normally I am against police brutality. But they should have bounced his head off the concrete a time or two.

  3. My understanding about this individual at the time of the shooting was that per his interview in a documentary, he admits to having been at home when it happened, and stated that he saw it on the news, then he grabbed his camera, and went to the scene post shooting.

    1. The little stinkweed didn't even go to the scene. He went to a building on the other side of campus and got in a closet to make the video that made him famous. He's nothing more than an unprincipled opportunist.

  4. I wonder what pronouns stick armed Hogg uses? Nemo

  5. Somebody is funding him, just like Greta .

  6. It is of note that he was invited to the hearing by some Democrat. You just don't get to go to one of those hearings when you want to go there. You must be invited. And no doubt the lawmaker who invited him was glad that he drew attention to the hearing, that normally would not get coverage.

  7. That joker wasn't even there when the shooting occurred.

  8. A survivor is the last thing this little lying twerp is.

  9. I could use that face of his in my slapping booth at the county fair.

    Paul J

  10. I thought interrupting government when government is conducting government business meant an insurrection charge.


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