
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Operation Z - Don't Interrupt

One of Napoleon’s observations is that you should never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake. Russians know this, not least because they were careful not to interrupt Napoleon himself in 1812. Putin and his team have had plenty of opportunities to meet NATO’s leaders, observe them, negotiate with them and assess them. It’s unlikely they’re very impressed. But when they started their “special military operation” in Ukraine they could never have dreamed how self-destructive NATO would be.


  1. Possibly not but they did know the supposed leader of the free world, the most powerful man in the world -IS A DODDERING OLD FOOL!

  2. This country is run by a bunch of corrupt oligarcarchs. They've seen how easy it's been to enslave all of us. They thought it'd be just as easy to enslave the Russians and steal they're resources all the while having us serfs pay for it. Big mistake taking on the Russians.

  3. They DID enslave the Russians. Then the Russians got out from under them, mostly, albeit at the cost of their country being looted by the first wave of "Oligarchs" (who just happened to share characteristics with many of the leading Bolsheviks and NKVD types that enslaved and terrorized them for decades). But don't feel bad for the poor Bolsheviks and oligarchs, they live on as "neocons" in the US. Emphasis on the "con".

    This is why Russia must be punished. They are the second-worst people ever. The worst are of course the Germans, who can never be punished enough. Never. So war in Ukraine is a wonderful wonderful thing for the "elites" in the West. So many advantages. In no particular order:
    1. Black hole/tar baby into which "defense" money can be poured into forever. Way the hell better than Afghanistan. And the public will lap it up. "Defending" white Christian people in UKR sells a lot better than whatever the hell it was we were supposedly doing with brown Muslim people in Affy. This is also a great way to get weapons (supposedly going to UKR) to random shitholes all over the world -- just in time for various "spontaneous uprisings" after color revolutions. And of course the money laundering. Always with the money laundering.
    2. Control of UKR is control of vast amounts of prime farmland. Food/famine is a potent weapon to use against the masses. And all the impending starvation in Middle East and North Africa (who get a LOT of their wheat from UKR)? MORE invasion (sorry, I meant "immigration") into the EU. Kalergi Plan in action. (Wikipedia tells us the very idea of "Kalergi Plan" is a "far-right, anti-semitic" white genocide conspiracy theory. Anything they so vehemently try to discredit has got to be important.)
    3. Slavic brother wars! "Let's you and him fight!" has worked throughout history.
    4. Chaos of war is a great cover for human trafficking. Blonde, blue-eyed Slavic girls have much greater value than brown-haired and -eyed girls, in the kinds of markets that the slavers primarily deal in.
    5. Germany going dark and cold, and its economy crashing? Bonus! (see "can never be punished enough" above)

    This isn't just NATO and "our" leaders fucking up by the numbers. This chaos and destruction serves their purposes. Now it's bad for them long-term if you look at it rationally. But envy, resentment, and the lust for "revenge" are not necessarily rational. It's been said "a smart parasite doesn't kill its host". But that makes sense only in blind evolutionary terms. if the parasite is intelligent, but twisted, and purely HATES its host, what then?

  4. russia has lost more people in 148 days of "special military operation" than they did in 5 years of afghanistan.

    they've lost 1/3 of all of their aviation assets...helicopters, fighters, attack aircraft, drones.

    they've turned ukraine into the 3rd largest tank corps in europe on russian abandoned and salvaged tanks alone. they've lost so many tanks they're pulling 50 year old T-62's out of the salvage yards in siberia and issuing them with no optics (including gunsights), no radios, and very little ammunition.

    they are nearly at the end of the service life of most of their artillery, and the factories can't make more because they lack raw materials.

    they can't meet recruiting goals..signing bonuses the equivalent of 5 years salary are ignored even in the most impoverished areas of russia. they're backfilling the troops in ukraine with training units..which hurts their army in the long run, because there will be no one qualified to teach...and with conscripts from donesk and luhansk...both of which are about at the breaking point. when D&L are conscripting 14 year old kids to meet russian manpower requirements, you know they've reached the bottom of the barrel.

    the chechens have had enough of being used as cannon fodder, and are starting up their rebellion again. same in georgia. russia doesn't have the manpower left to stop either of them.

    there are ukranian sabateurs in russia, and they do not seem to be making much headway in stopping them. last week the only factory in the entire country that makes rifle optics burned to the ground. several refineries have mysteriously caught fire. recruiting offices have been burned but to be fair that might be the moms of russian soldiers who want their kids back happened back during the chechen war too.

  5. Larry Johnson is a fool who is simply spewing Putin's propaganda. His credentials and background say he knows better, but he has as yet to demonstrate that. If you want to know what is actually going on, Johnson is not the man to read.


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