
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Good Morning



  1. Best customer she will have all day.

  2. "So, this last golden summer?
    You know what’s coming. We all know what’s coming.
    Take a day off. Take your sweetie to a park, or a museum, or the movies, or dinner, or whatever it is you’ve been putting off.
    Take a day off and play with your kids.
    Is there a trip you wanted to take, and is there some conceivable, not matter how much it requires you to pinch way to take it? Do it. Particularly if you and the family always wanted to.
    Sit outside. Savor the peace. Take walks through the neighborhood. Forget your diet for just one day. There’s a chance the government will arrange for you to lose that weight anyway.
    Mark some days, a week, a day a weekend. Go to that nice place you always wanted to go. Turn on the music and slow dance with your sweetie.
    Be relaxed, be happy and savor it.
    Make memories to take you through the hard times.
    You can’t change what’s coming. It’s not something a single person can change. And you can’t prepare for everything. There will be things that take you by surprise, and those will hurt worst of all.
    But for now, for this golden summer, this calm before the storm, enjoy how very very good life is.
    Before everything changes."

    1. Wow. The wife talked me into calling off today, and it's beautiful here in south central Ohio.

    2. Not unlike the last few years before the First World War. Even a month before war broke out, most people, Europeans and Americans alike could not conceive of a major conflict occurring in the near future.

  3. Absolutely right, Dave. Ain't gonna be no Berlin Airlift, those guys are long gone. Enjoy the little things while you can! Eod1sg Ret


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