
Friday, July 29, 2022

More drivel from somebody that professes to be an expert

It is now more than evident that it is very dangerous for a society to allow for the widespread distribution and ownership of weapons whose sole purpose is to destroy human life.

There is no mention in the Second Amendment about an individual right to own and bear arms.  The purpose of the Second Amendment was to placate those former colonies (and soon to be States), who feared the potential of a federal government acting like the King they just overthrew.  The bulk of the military that fought the Revolutionary War was state militias (the modern equivalent of which is the National Guard) acting under the command of federal forces.


While he may have read the Constitution and Bill of Rights (or just skimmed over it) it's obvious he never actually studied it, nor has he read any of the writings by our Founding Fathers supporting their ideals.
Dude needs to take some time and study the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers to start, then work his way through the rest of their writings.


  1. A polite society is as armed as it needs to be.

  2. AR-15 a weapon of war? Someone tries to kill me, I declare war on them and utilize my AR-15 to eliminate the threat.

    1. OTOH every firearm can kill. Therefore they are all, at the appropriate time, weapons of war that is assalt weapons.. Whats wrong wif you bro" Lack of nookie? Not enough alkyhaul or meth or just bad to the bone stupidity. DO NOT Let me know when you grow a pair.

  3. The author doesn't know much US History, either. Soon to be states??? The former colonies were already were states for 8 years under the Articles of Confederation, and years before that if you start counting from the Declaration of Independence.


    1. no, they all viewed themselves as sovereign republics. They were all kingdoms at that golden moment when they decided to something else.

  4. Not human life; only edible animals and nuisance marxists.


  5. We started off with rocks and sticks, and now we have nuclear weapons, and everything in between is used almost every day....just how advanced is the human race?

  6. I get tired of everyone and his sister trottin' out the 2nd or the Constitution. In the unlikely event the 2nd gets repealed, my right to a specific kind of property ceases to be? That's what jackasses want us to believe but it just ain't so. My right to my property (my car, my tire knocker, my box cutter, my shotgun, etc.) doesn't come from words on paper or somebody else. -Henry Quirk

  7. And it's not just guns guns guns. Arms is any weapon. Brass knuckles, saps, knives of all sorts (including switchblades and those butterfly knives,) swords, axes of all types, polearms, grenades, cannon, rocks, slings, trebuchets...

  8. The very best history and analysis of the Second Amendment I've ever seen was in an article by John Silveira in Backwoods Home magazine. Written as a fictional discussion between several friends, this story refutes all of the ridiculous claims that the Second does not guarantee an individual right to bear arms. Check it out: you'll be very glad you did -

    1. That was an interesting read, with a plausible reaction. It's a bit similar to explaining to a "pro mandate" or "white privilege" type why his or her argument doesn't hold water, and after his or her talking points have been dismantled, he or she will either shut down or walk away. People like that either get over their cognitive dissonance and start thinking critically, or remain asleep forever. Usually the latter.

  9. I corresponded with this idiot. And yes, he is an idiot, a tax lawyer with zero understanding of the Constitution. You can see more at TZP.

    1. Great catch, Bear!
      A tax attorney "expert" on the 2A. That makes me chuckle.
      Give a guy a law degree and he suddenly he becomes a constitutional expert on everything. Funny how that works.

    2. I apparently know more about the US Constitution than this whiny-ass bitch. Really. It's not that difficult to understand. It is written in very plain language.

  10. yall seen this shit yet?
    ATF agent caught on camera creating illegal gun registry
    "lots of gun nuts buying heavily" says Karen, "l prefer to call them gun enthusiasts" said the store owner, "yeah, gun nuts" she replies.

    1. Does anyone honestly believe that the NICS system wasn't collecting and storing this information the whole time? Sure, the law says you can't...but I bet the FISA court says it can.

  11. The Battle of Athens II is getting a whole lot closer and is going to be a whole lot bigger.

  12. Imagine being such a faggot as to write this kind of article.

  13. "There is no mention in the Second Amendment about an individual right to own and bear arms."
    2A ...the right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.
    Preamble to the Bill of Rights ...States...expressed a prevent...abuse of its powers...further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added.

  14. What is the law on high capacity nail guns, heavy duty plastic bags and zip ties?
    Just asking.


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