
Friday, July 22, 2022


In a statement from the Rochester Police Department, the Rochester Police investigator who was seen putting an EMT in handcuffs inside the emergency room at Strong Hospital has now been suspended with pay.


The investigator’s car was parked in the ambulance bay in front of the emergency room when an EMT hit it while opening her door to unload a patient.  Sources tell News10NBC that the investigator insisted on getting her identification, she insisted on bringing the patient inside first. News10NBC Investigative Reporter Jennifer Lewke was able to get an exclusive video of what happened from there. 


Suspended with pay..... in other words, he was rewarded with a paid vacation.


  1. An employee of the government still has constitutional rights. If your employer (the government) wishes to deprive you of your employment, due process is required. This means that before the employee can be suspended without pay or terminated, there must be an investigation, and the employee is entitled to a hearing in front of the administrative authority (or his appointed representative) where that employee can bring representation, call witnesses, etc..

    While the investigation is taking place and before the hearing, many employers do not want the disgraced employee out there in the public, so the employee is usually either assigned some sort of desk duty, or is suspended with pay, pending the outcome of the investigation and hearing.

    1. When they can review good video evidence and talk with witnesses, there no reason to suspend WITH pay.

    2. If your employer wishes to deprive you of your employment, due process is required.

      Uh, depends. Most people are employed "At will", meaning I can be fired at any moment for any reason and that's that. Nothing in the constitution about it. All that bullshit about investigation, reviews, hearings, needs to fucking end. We don't have that in the private world, no reason govt employees should have it either.

    3. Coppers is a Union job in New York.

    4. Not when you are a government employee. The 5th Amendment states that the government cannot deprive you of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. SCOTUS has held that this applies to your job.

  2. Cop didn't seem to grasp the obvious, ya don't fuck with someone in a profession that may one day need to save your worthless ass.

  3. what a pile of horseshit, this "suspended with pay" is.

  4. The police are not your friend!

  5. The lust for power over others is very strong. This asshole cop's action is a single example of what the all Progs in D.C. and Democrat cities are doing to America.

  6. Back The Blue?....Fawwwwwk you.

  7. I hope when something happens to the RPD that the EMTs treat them like the students in Uvalde.

  8. Should have simply had the vehicle towed away. Hospital Security could have handled this.

  9. Perhaps other officers will have an off-the-record "chat" with him? In my days, so very long ago, on the road, the officers genuinely were our backup, and enthusiastically protected us. That, of course, was long, long ago, and far away.

    I have heard that the past is another country, where they do things differently.

  10. Since when does anyone park their non-ambulance vehicle in the ambulance bay? Isn't that the medical emergency version of parking your damned jalopy in front of a fire hydrant? I don't give a fuck how important you think you are, there's damn good reason that ambulance bay is for ambulances only. I'm wondering if the EMT might have said something (in)appropriate as the door bounced into Officer Tugnut's vehicle that set of his little temper tantrum.


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