
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Sorry 'bout that

AMADOR COUNTY (CBS13) — The Amador County District Attorney has admitted that the wrong man was in custody awaiting trial for two years for the death of one woman and the beating of two men.

Jeffrey Johnston was the landlord of an Amador County home when in 2019, a brutal attack by who police now say was Jared Wilkinson left Wilkinson’s girlfriend Vanessa Plew dead and Johnson wounded.


  1. God bless his little pea pickin’ heart. He's gonna’ draw shyster lawyers like a raw meat wagon sittin’ in the July sun draws maggot producing blowflies.

  2. 2 years until a friend did the work a tax eating LEO wouldn't? The US doesn't really have a justice system anymore. F the law, do anything you can get away with. The lawyers never suffer. A period of lawlessness is needed to fix the people's ideals.

    1. Fuck you, we've been dealing with your "lawlessness" solution already for a few years, look at all the shitty Soros DAs we have been afflicted with. A high caliber solution is needed...

    2. uh pot, kettle, and black there when you disparage my lawlessness prescription with lawlessness. And I agree with you so far as I think lawlessness needs to be performed on left criminals because LEO won't do it. Hi caliber all the Soros DAs it takes would be a good start.

      Protect and serve is short for protect the pensions and serve the legal guild. There's no reason to respect situational law.

  3. Jared Wilkinson thought he could get away with murder of Vanessa he deserves the death penalty. He was upset that his family would not help him trying to start a business. I wonder why?

    1. I knew from the start Jared Wilkinson was guilty. His story just didn't add up. He said that he and Vanessa had been shot when Vanessa died of blunt force trauma. How could the police not see that.

  4. I knew Jared years ago and this doesn't surprise me one bit. From a broken family that was partially cared for by dad because mom was too busy with her drug lifestyle to be a mom. His brother was in prison too for "attempted rape" cause the state lowered charges although his victim was 11 at the time of the crime. Horrible family and the mom was in prison too for drugs. She moved out of street to escape the harm she caused. Now in a little town in Colorado with a little diner and acts like everyone's gift as if she never did anything wrong. They all buy into her crap but look at the kids and you know who's to blame. The horror stories her kid told me about her when growing up in her care.

    1. Who are you? You must be from Richmond


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