
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Things aren't looking real good for Germany at the moment

Two article, both sent in by WiscoDave:

What has already been a year from hell for Germany, which is suffering energy hyperinflation as a result of Europe's sanctions on Russia, and which is "facing the biggest crisis the country has every had" according to the president of the German employers association, is about to get even worse as the declining water level of the Rhine river, which has historically been a key infrastructure transit artery across Germany, continues to fall and as it does, the flow of commodities to inland Europe is starting to buckle threatening to make an already historic crisis even worse. 


Already days before the July 22 European "Doomsday" when the scheduled Russian 10-day maintenance of the crucial Nord Stream pipeline to Germany is slated to end - but which was thrown into deep doubt given Gazprom recently said it can no longer guarantee its "good functioning" due to crucial turbines being previously held up in Canada related to sanctions - the Russian energy giant has declared Force Majeure to one major European customer. 


  1. Lessee here:

    1) Green agenda: ✔️
    2) Trust national security to Russia: ✔️

    What could possibly go wrong?

  2. RE: The declining water levels in the Rhine, maybe they can load all of those "commodities" onto EV trucks ... oh wait.

    As to the force majeure, it's not just that that turbines were delayed due to sanctions. Gazprom also cited "uncertified repair parts" in its declaration from what I read elsewhere. Don't know if that means the repaired turbines need to be recertified after repair or if they're questioning other parts on the German end of the pipe or both.

    Then there's this from the article:


    So what are they going to do? Invade Russia to force Gazprom to live up to their end of the contract or take over Gazprom? BWAHAHAHAHA

    These dumb fucks in the EU actually thought that Russia (Putin/Gazprom) was going to treat them equitably because the EU made all of their economies dependent on Russian gas and oil after a teen aged truant yelled at them.

    Then they wonder how/why Germany overran the continent twice last century and continues to be the major power on the continent, until its time to defend their territories from Russian invasion.

    Not that Russia is going to invade. They don't need to. The dumb fucks in the EU thought they were going to push Russia around through "diplomacy" when Russia is holding all the cards.

    Good luck EU when your citizens are freezing in the dark this winter.

    Maybe you can somehow store that heat wave that's currently enveloping the continent and release it into the grid this winter.

    That's almost as hair brained as putting your country's livelihood in the hands of a mad man.

    Germany, the Neville Chamberlain of the 22nd century.


  3. Well there’s only one way out of this mess for Germany, start a;other world war!

  4. Fuck em they earned it.

  5. I saw a German movie and a radio was saying a Turkish immigrant that had kids by his girlfriend in the same apartment complex had cut his wife's head off and threw it into the courtyard. I looked the movie up on IMdb and it said the incident really occurred.

    1. There were a lot of Turk 'guest workers' in Germany last time I was there in 1981, and as part of our orientation upon our arrival, we were told to stay the fuck out of their part of town. Yeah, it was a no-go zone even back then.

    2. Yeah, we took our ship to drydock in Hamburg in 2010 or so.
      Blohm & Voss, which was an excellent yard, by the way.
      There I was - fat, dumb, and happy, walking around in Turktown, near the hotel.
      Didn't do that again.

    3. I remember so clearly the smug faces and the laughter under their breathes of the German diplomats at the UN when Trump warned them of exactly this situation, are those same Elitists still giggling?

  6. Sounds like it's time to invade France again, I suppose...

  7. Interestingly everyone seems to forget that it is Russian gas, not the NWO gas. Russia has no obligation to sell to anyone, let alone a country who has all but declared open war on them.

  8. NATO just doing what it was founded for, keep Germany DOWN, (pissing off Russia to gut energy supplies to Germany, destroying the German economy and industry) keep Russia OUT, (pissing off Russia so as to cut them off economically from the west) and to keep America IN, (They never had any plans of leaving anyway.. USA, like roaches, once they infest your country, you can't ever get rid of them.. ask the Iraqi's, or the Okinawans or the peoples of Diego Garcia [and puleeze don't say "It's British owned". Alaska is RUSSIAN owned.. but l would like to see them get THAT back])

    1. Ask the Afghani's. Ask the Vietnamese. US promises are always "subject to the needs" of our own corrupt government.

  9. Ask the Philippines. Good luck getting the Chinese out.

  10. Ask a simple question. A couple of years ago, what would it take to get Germany (and the rest of Europe) off the idiotic 'Green' band-wagon?

    Looking longer term, is anyone, ever, going to trust their energy supplies to Russia (they did just default on supplying India all that cheap oil they were promised/paid for too) - or any supplies of anything from China? Russia has the power (and Europe some minor inconvenience) ... for now, but they just committed long-term suicide.

    I can't agree enough about the incompetence and perversion of all the west's 'leaders' but ... just like we all knew they were corrupt perverts, we just didn't know how corrupt/perverted, or how many there were - but courtesy of the coof, and their reactions, now we do (every one of them has gleefully outed themselves, from the global, national, regional and down to which of your neighbours are fully indoctrinated members of the cult - we know who they all are now).

    I used to think the whole Q thing and its "It must happen this way" thing was hilarious, tin-foil hat territory. Now? I just made myself a really natty foil beanie.

  11. I'm embarrassed to say my bride's son previous marriage is in the AF. When he went in, first assignment was Germany. His also AF wife, a screaming lib & he loved Germany. Ohh, all the windmills & blah blah blah.

    We haven't spoken for a few years now bc he got his panties in a wad over Trump, from listening to his lib wife (they are perfect for the "new" military BO created).

    Anyway they've been stationed in CO trying to get back to their beloved Germany. Dumbfuks got their wish a few months ago - headed back to Germany now. LOLOLOL

    Kids that are too stupid to learn from their elders, learn from life.

    Trump was right about every major issue from Germany & EU relying on their enemy to keep them warm in winter to how joe* presidency would go - nailed it.

  12. Trump warned the Germans. They didn't listen.

    NG and oil are all Russia has to fight the west with. But, if they don't keep moving NG and oil, they can't keep up their invasion of Ukraine. Russia is already hurting badly. Putin made the same sort of stupid mistake Hitler. The main difference being, Hitler had an Army. Putin has a poorly trained social club.

    Some German idiot made the statement they didn't need nuke plants because they need to be able to heat. I guess they never heard of electric heat. They'll rediscover it before long.


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