
Monday, July 11, 2022

Your Monday Morning Florida Report

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Jacksonville man has been accused of murdering his neighbor’s rooster. Now, a feud between the two has ended in a 30-hour jail stay and a lot of fighting.


You've got to go to the link to watch the video is nothing else.


  1. Man, if I was on the jury, the rooster killer would walk free. I don't keep roosters. They attack the hens, children, my wife, and me. I had a similar run in with a rooster once; I thought I had killed him with a gardening shovel. But, he came to and walked away, somewhat dazed and confused. He left me alone for quite a while before pushing it to the point that he was gone.

    1. It turns out that 2 of the 3 'pullets' I bought a couple months ago are roosters. They aren't aggressive to me - yet. We'll see how it goes.

    2. Eat them now, they will just be tougher when you have to do it in a few months. Plus it will save the hens you'll loose when they gang rape them.
      You only need one rooster if you want a rooster.

  2. Oh, by the way. Welcome back. I was jonesing a bit. I hope you had a great time off.

    1. Thanks. Between the heat and the storms, I didn't get a thing done other than read. It was nice, though.

    2. Sounds like a win to me, WC.

  3. The rooster killer may or may not be justified, but either way seems like a dick.

  4. Great to see you back, Ken.

  5. When I was a jid our rooster attacked while feeding the hens. Traumatic,but tasty.

  6. Roosters can be quite dangerous. Getting spurred can be a serious injury and can lead to serious infection. There is a reason why my wife normally did not keep a rooster when she raised chickens back in Tennessee.

  7. This has got to be one the funniest fucking things I've seen in a long time!!!

    If a Rooster is attacking me, damn straight I'm gonna beat it dead. He should've hid the body though...

  8. That guy is a knucklehead. I guess he isn't familiar with Mr. Miranda. But I laughed.

  9. The Duval County Chikin Po-leese are not to be trifled with.


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