
Tuesday, August 09, 2022

And you're probably expecting sympathy from me.....

I got monkeypox and it’s been a total nightmare.

When New York Pride festivities kicked off on 24 June, I was aware that monkeypox was an emerging issue – especially for gay men – but I was also under the impression that the number of cases in the city was relatively small. What I didn’t understand was how absolutely dismal testing capacity was: at that point, the city only had capacity to process ten tests a day.

I had sex with several guys over the weekend. Then a week later, on 1 July, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a high fever with chills and muscle aches, and my lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat.

And now a word from Pastor David Manning about flaming buttholes:


My buddy Brotherman Jerome loved this guy. I went over to his house one time to help him install a security door, and him and his wife The Queen Bee had a framed picture of Pastor Manning above their mantle. I'm not fucking kidding.


  1. Ass Blasters were in the Tremors movies, a sequel for a new woke age?

    1. Don’t forget “Dreamcatcher” and the Butt Weasels

  2. This gay's attitude reminds me in a way of the criminal attitude. He's not sorry he did it, he's very sorry he got caught. No sympathy here, either.

  3. It's a shame that the buttpox is not terminal....

    1. It would be better if it had long lasting symptoms such as a swollen anus that was extremely tender with alternating bouts of constipation and explosive diarrhea. Excruciating painful urination,loss of bladder control, impotence, and have it recurring like shingles, or herpes, something that never really goes away.
      Drive them mad.

  4. I read about this guy a few days ago. IIRC he works for some UN organization, and his twitter account blamed everybody but himself for getting the clap and the pox.

  5. This and the article in your post tell us a lot about how much the government cares about the public's health. They'd rather people die than have inexpensive and effective treatments available. I wonder if any of the treatments in the strategic stockpile will be viable if there's an actual biological attack against the US? If I were a terrorist, I'd roll those dice.

    1. Look no more. During the Okobungo administration the strategic stockpile of smallpox vaccines were pretty much destroyed and not replaced. Guess what works quite well against buttsexpox?

    2. I believe if you search his and Mike's compound, you will find all the missing vials...

  6. David Giant SlayerAugust 9, 2022 at 3:56 PM

    I also have enjoyed Pastor Mannings condemnations of Barack Hussein over the years . He used to call him long legged mack daddy . The guy is hilarious and he hates Obama , but who doesn't ?

  7. Too freakin' funny! I started reading this and didn't scroll up enough to see it was from a different source. I thought Ken was coming out of the closet in a painful way!

  8. As if being a queer wasn't bad enough, he's got to be a stupid queer as well.

  9. So God doesn't have a sense of humor? Laughing out loud at the movie.

  10. Thanked, Ken, for the video. LMFAO! All the PC types want to rename “Monkeypox,” so my suggestion is “Buggerypox”. Attention gays . . . err, homosexuals: you want to stop this disease, then simply stop buttfucking!

    1. Tucker had a contest, The winner was schlong covid. Works for me. Maybe next year they'll have on that makes their dick rot off, with no cure. Now that would be a damn shame.

  11. Waaaaah, I was a whore for a weekend and got an STD, waaahh. Burn in hell indeed.

  12. Just like AIDS in the 80's, the "guys" just kept going to gay swinger orgies and such. Now the CDC ( who are scumbags ) says its 90+% men on men pox. But you cant really say that out loud as Lance and Bruce are offended. Sheesh.

  13. These shit compressors will never learn.

    Chutes Magoo

  14. Just like that, a casual sentence in this guy's sad story, "I had sex with several guys over the weekend". Wow, that's quite a lifestyle. Do you remember names, or did they ever give them? Now you're going to tell me, this is 'normal'. Yeah. I would say this sounds a lot like a Darwin theme playing out.

    1. Barry something, Reggie Love, and a gargantuan black crossdresser named Mike?

  15. Used to listen to him back in the Obama regime.... The guy hated Barry and was hilarious..

  16. “This whole thing just feels like a huge failure that should not have been allowed to happen [...] If someone like me, who has worked in sexual health for a long time, had such a hard time navigating care...”

    Always with the whinging and kvetching. Those poor Köhns, always getting the monkeypox For No Reason At All. “Allowed” to happen? It was “allowed” because if a normal person says, “maybe it’s not a good idea to have buttsex with multiple men you don’t know very well” — then the normal person has his life ruined for Hate Crime.

    And if you’re such an expert on “sexual health” you’d not be going around getting shit on your dick, nor sucking multiple shitty dicks. It ain’t rocket surgery, and it doesn’t require fellowship training in Infectious Diseases to figger it out, eh?

  17. Didn't get past his "had sex with several men over the weekend." Lots of words come to mind. People do not have a say in which other people go to hell. That is a good thing. Also sometimes good is the illegality of sending some on their way.

  18. As they say 'Tough shit'. Monkeypox and an STI. That's such a good advert for his lifestyle choices.

  19. I can't find the original, but here's a decent version of his Obama rant. It rings just as true today as it did back then, and I love watching that kid in the background trying to keep a straight face.

    As far as monkeypox goes, there are a few fear mongers where I live, and my standard response will be "I'll just be over here not having gay sex with random men, so I'll be fine." They're already trying to move the goalposts on this thing too, talking about "surface contacts" and the same bullshit we had to endure with Corona.


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