
Friday, August 19, 2022

‘Civil War Is Here’: MSNBC Host Says There’s ‘No Dealing’ With Conservatives

MSNBC host Tiffany Cross claimed that “civil war” was imminent in the United States Thursday evening. 

“You have millions of people turning into a propaganda network every night,” Cross said. “As if that were not bad enough, that’s an extremist network itself, you have these fringe pop-up outlets from OANN to Newsmax. Then you have the social media component. The train has left the station. There is no dealing with the rhetoric. At this point, we need serious conversations around preparing for actual violence. People keep saying a Civil War is coming. I would say the Civil War is here.”


  1. Well, she/it is right about one thing (a liberal is right about something? wow) There is NO "Dealing" with us, because we have backed up so fricking far we lost half of us off the edge of the cliff.... We will NO LONGER "deal" with these liberal morons... STOP coming after our rights, our freedoms, and STOP ruining our country and economy... In fact, you (liberals) had better quickly start fixing all the stuff you ruined or you WILL face some very serious consequences.

  2. "Propaganda Network"? You mean CNN. MSNBC, Mother Jones, Huffington Post, and many others of their ilk?

  3. these people are batshit crazy. they would not be alive if it was real civil war.

  4. are they starting to realize that if you keep calling people bad guys that after a while the people say fuck it, lets be the bad guys.
    you can only push people so far before you get push back. and these assholes are pushing as hard as they dare. one day someone will snap. and then they will see what a "civil war" looks like.

  5. Civil War? Works for me.

  6. I don’t know if a civil war has started or about to but I do know which side has the guns, ammunition and most of the combat veterans and hunters. I would not want to be on the other side.

    1. And the other side is very confused about which bathroom to use and worried about classifying what, 57 genders? I too would not want to be on their side.

  7. I have a flat top haircut this afternoon and I have ceramic shin protectors on order to arrive Monday. I should be well protected.

  8. In my estimation, she's more than a little slow on the uptake.

  9. And thats where it starts.
    With them. The Tokyo Roses and NORK Mouth pieces

  10. It's a pretty funny civil war when only one side fights it. The left is the only faction that will commit violence to get what they want. And why not, nobody will stop them and the people of the right are mostly tired out old Boomers glued to their TVs.

    A modern American is for sale, most traded their principles for a price sticker a long time ago.

    For an example look at all the handwringing about 87K new IRS agents and not a single word on how to keep them all occupied by turning in handwritten returns. Even that's so inconvenient to do for American tax slaves they cannot manage it.

    1. My taxes are done by hand and mailed in.

    2. Thanks for helping. I have bad handwriting too, and trouble staying in the lines. I don't want the scanner to work without a human to assist it. I'm still waiting on my 2021 refund and I have a 2020 Amended processing since last Nov. too.

      If more would do this the IRS would be crippled. How much easier could fighting back be.

    3. I don't fill out the forms by hand, but I fill them out on my computer, print them out, and put them in the mail. I figure that's still slowing them down a bit, compared to e-filing.

      Still waiting for the bastards to process my 2021 return. In the past, if I was owed a refund, I'd usually see it in 2-3 weeks. It's been over 4 months now, and still nothing. Thanks, Joe. :-P

    4. Tired out old Boomers? Lmmfao. Please.

  11. "I aim to misbehave." -- Malcom Reynolds

  12. She makes my boy parts tingly when she talkslike that...

  13. careful what you wish for, woman

  14. Only decent and honest people can deal with Conservatives, so I guess she's right.

  15. The commies are "pushing" the civil war meme hard because they want a response from the Patriot they can pull in the UN peace keepers...
    but we're too smart for that, RIGHT ?! ...Be patient...once it really does start, ALL things will dramatically change...continue to prep, and train while you can... it'll be here soon enough

    1. It's their normal psyop mentality, bait us till someone snaps, then they can point the finger and megaphone how eeeevil, bad and raaaacist we all collectively are.

      They want more reasons to push their gun control and or the reset agendas.

  16. Careful, Democrats. We shoot back.

  17. They are maneuvering us into a corner where the government agencies will do the murdering for them.

  18. Did she praise BLM when they were violently burning middle America. Project much?

  19. Is that violence like uber-LIE-beral groups like Antifa, BLM, and black gangs do constantly?!?!?!

    She sounds so hopeful. But she doesn't realize that most LIE-beral "men" (and I use the term lightly) are hurt by words and cower in their mommies' basements when words turn to something harder. While conservative men are tough, manly, own hundreds of millions of weapons and billions of rounds of ammo -- and know how to use them. If they can hit a deer at 200 yards, a LIE-beral girly-man will be easy pickins'!!!

  20. So....
    1. Any Americans remaining in democrat urban cores need to get out. Now. I know it's hard, having done it.
    2. Patriots in American areas need to ID active leftists (who you know, contributed to democrat politicians) and encourage them to move to democrat-dominated areas.


  21. Its been coming for a long time. I'm surprised we haven't gotten there yet. But we will.

  22. WestcoastDeplorableAugust 20, 2022 at 2:10 PM

    She's calling Fox news and the other nascent channels "propaganda networks", but apparently doesn't get that the channel she's on is the biggest "fake news" outlet of them all!

    1. Not to mention the FCC hasn’t pulled her off air for inciting a war. Every single day there are Liberals regurgitating misleading, downright false, or blatantly lying about what the so called “extremist” on the right are doing, or have done. Never do I hear about them (leftists) being banned, etc. yep, something’s gotta give.

  23. Your terms are acceptable.


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