
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Idaho man convicted of molesting child gets 10 years, but eligible for parole in 6 months

NAMPA, Idaho (KBOI — A 49-year-old Nampa man has been sentenced up to 10 years in prison after he was convicted of molesting a child, but his sentence would make him eligible for parole much sooner.


  1. Vigilantism needs to make a comeback....

  2. For the left the only sin with child molestation is getting caught.

  3. Thanks to the continual push by hollyweird to portray the vigilantes as a racist organization
    , and there may have been racism involved a few times , people have been programmed to think poorly of them but this is the type of crime they would step in and administer justice as members of " The Lesser Magistrates " . Kiddie pokers and such would be left swinging from trees or lamp posts in the town square with a note explaining why the action was taken . It has been proven that once a kiddie poker is hung he never committs that crime again . Recidivism is 0 % . Might be time to rethink the process . We have three long time friends in our church that were victims of horrific abuse when they were kids . They are still fucked up these many years later and have never yet gotten the healing they need . Child sexual abuse should be punished by death in my humble opinion .

  4. Put this judge in prison for 3 months. Maybe he'll find out what it's like to become a victim of sex crimes.

  5. Soros DA’s in Idaho now? 6 months is still a long time in gen pop with a child molester rap hanging around his neck. Hopefully he’ll wake up one day with a smashed skull.

  6. Jolly good thing he was nowhere near the Capitol on 6th January. His only defence would be that he was kiddie fiddling at the time. He could call the poor fiddlee as a defence witness.
    Synical, moi?

  7. Welcome to Nampa Id where most all of the Ca relocation zombies (aka democrats) moved to.

  8. On the flip side, here we are a year and a half later and people are still being held without bail and without trial in the J6 case. Some of them have gotten YEARS in prison without parole.

  9. Anyone read the story after that one? the guy dying from getting kicked in the balls? shit what a way to go

  10. Assuming he makes it through the entire six months. Pedos in prison haven't been doing too good at that lately.

  11. A smart judge would have suspended his sentence and turned him loose on the streets...


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