
Friday, August 19, 2022

North Carolina Supreme Court Enacts a Full-Scale Judicial Coup

North Carolina’s Supreme Court has made one of the most insane judicial decisions in the nation’s history, and that’s absolutely not hyperbole. 

In what can only be described as a full-scale judicial coup, the Democrat-controlled body has ruled that the North Carolina General Assembly is illegitimate and can not enact amendments to the state’s constitution. Their reasoning? That the state’s legislature is “gerrymandered.”
-Capt Pat


  1. Fucking WOW!! They really, really REALLY do want another civil war. Jeezus fucking Christ!!

  2. The criminal commie left does this type of crap for a simple reason.
    Because they can. They virtually never face any meaningful consequences
    for this type of abusive conduct. So why would the stop being abusive?

  3. If this stands, then it will happen all over the US in areas controlled by Dems. What a crock of crap.

  4. And the recommended advice? Let's make sure to vote HARDERER this Nov.

    If another in our face, massive election fraud doesn't get us in the streets, fuck it all.

  5. The voter ID law was passed through a citizen, state-wide vote several years ago and then blocked by a liberal judge. It has been going through the process for years. This is the latest attempt to stall it yet again. The November vote will be crucial here to get rid of these bastards. Thankfully POS Cooper cannot run again in 2024. My vote then will be for Mark Robinson.

  6. WAIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This could actually be a great legal decision.
    What if this causes gerrymandering to be declared unconstitutional by the Supremes?????
    Wouldn't that be a good thing for everyone??????
    This is the Illinois Bullshit:

  7. And how many Divisions does the NC Supreme Court have?


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