
Friday, August 26, 2022

Now tell us how many it will kill or injure

(The Hill) — Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was 73.2 percent effective against the disease in children under 5, the company said Tuesday. 

The company touted the data as reinforcing the importance of the vaccine, which was authorized in June, after months of waiting for a vaccine for the youngest children.


  1. It's still EUA and FJB!

  2. As lovingly as possible, screw those wicked awful demon infested rat weasels. I understand that hell enlarges every day.

    Steve in KY

  3. Rank Bullshit if I ever read it.

  4. When the surgeon told me there is about a 70% chance I'll be better, I asked to tell me about the 30%. I though 70% not good enough. And that was for a surgery. For a questionable vaxx, 70% is a big, absolutely not!

    That 30% includes making it worse.
    And that includes making in irrevoverable.

    I suspect this announcement is part of a PR campaign to prepare the prospective jury pools for the upcoming court trials.

  5. As one of the doctors said in approving the covid vaccine for kids said.. "We need to approve the vaccine for kids so we can see what it can do" I schiff you not. So they want to give the vaccine to kids who are practically immune to covid. I would guess there are some phizer doctores shooting kids up with covid until they get it. Then saying see we need to stop kids from getting it. Anyway, the FDA is saying we will use your child as the rat.

  6. I don't believe a goddamned thing these grifting, scurrilous, evil assholes say.

    Y'know, that's all I've got after taking out the three-paragraph rant with which I started. Getting old and mellow?

  7. Three shots is 'enough' time to hope that covid becomes less and less dangerous by itself so that we can take credit.

  8. Based on adult's experience, it's only minimally effective for two shots, and that only for a couple month. For three shots, it has negative efficacy, and four shots is drastic negative efficacy.

  9. They have lied from the start so why believe them now? I don’t!

  10. A recent news item noted that according to New Zealand government data, more young people between ages 10 and 19 were killed by the vaccine than dies from the virus.

    Michael in Nelson

  11. 73% - FOR HOW LONG?

    Efficacy wans it's a fact. Ask joe* & jill & fauXi - they all had it.

    It's also the deadliest "vax" ever dispensed, deaths per dose metric. Deadliest ever. See VAERS.

    Finally, have you seen the long term effects? No - NOBODY HAS. Scientists said DDT, asbestos, nicotine were all wonderful things too. I have advertising stating DDT keeps our kids "fly free" while pregnant Moms love nicotine ...

    All that being said & true, the experts withheld efficacious & safe therapeutics = manslaughter depraved indifference imo.



    1. Thalidomide l thought they would have learned their lesson from THAT horror show..

  12. Saw a comment earlier..
    "Fauci may be retiring but he's left a little something in everyone's heart"

  13. The company I work for does government work so we were told we had to get vaxxed or fired, our choice. At 63 I needed insurance for two more years so I got the J&J single shot. Right at the deadline for getting the shot the company announced they were dropping the requirement. I now have a blood clot in a vein in my right leg. Never had this before (I'm 64 now). Coincidence? I doubt it.

  14. Any product approved by the FDA under emergency use authorization is considered experimental. This is a matter of case law. Under title 55 of the Federal Code (which contains the Nuremburg Code written into US law), no person (and corporations are legally persons) may coherce another to take part in a medical experiment. Let the lawsuits begin!

  15. Pfizer will be happy to share their clinical trials data with anyone interested.

    In 2097. We'll just have to be patient, I guess.

  16. Define effective....

  17. After everything we've seen? Seriously? People gonna get the kids jabbed?


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