
Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Smith & Wesson Fights Back Against Democrat Subpoena

On August 15, Smith & Wesson, represented by Schaerr Jaffe, sent a letter to House Oversight and Reform Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) regarding the committee’s subpoena, which was issued on August 1. 

Smith & Wesson CEO Mark Smith said this subpoena amounts to nothing more than politicians and the media attempting to “disparage” Smith & Wesson. He elaborated in a statement on Monday:


  1. Now if they would remove that damn lawyer hole from their classic revolver line, I might just buy one.

    1. "The left mistakenly often refers to these rifles as “assault weapons.” Your comment and my reference sound hauntingly famliar!
      //Pistolero Paco

  2. Pure waste of taxpayer money to subpoena Smith & Wesson with an overly burdensome request. It does nothing to help Congress legislate, and does everything to harm S & W if they are forced to comply.

    1. It also gives the Dems fodder for their mid-term campaign: "Merchants of Death won't co-operate with us while we craft Commonsense Gun Safety Laws!"

    2. You nailed the left's MO.

      Exactly what they are doing.


  3. It is a very well written response. When the hell was this committee formed ? Last week? I know oversight when was "reform" added to it??


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