
Friday, September 30, 2022

Bacon. Mmmmm, Bacon....

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — A Michigan man has pleaded guilty for murdering and eating part of a man named Kevin Bacon in December 2019.

Mark David Latunski, 52, has pleaded guilty to killing and dismembering Kevin Bacon, 25, in December 2019, according to


  1. It's another fake event made up to scare people.

  2. Another piece of human excreta facing a "life sentence". Why is there a life sentence anyway? What it really is is an extended death sentence by which a convicted sub-human animal is ordered removed from society forever, but allowed to live out his natural life at the expense of the taxpayer, being fed, protected, housed and even entertained.... often for decades.
    A life sentence is promoted by supposed caring, compassionate people who do not have the stomach to see these human rejects taken out and shot, or hung, or dropped from the roof of a tall building.... whatever, so we ordinary workers foot the bill for millions of these locked up walking piles of fecal matter.
    STOP IT. Get a damn pair and do what's necessary to protect our civilization.
    If ever there was a sub-human animal that deserves to be taken out and disposed of like the trash it is, it's this one that lured a victim in for a bit of homo sex and then hung him upside down, slit his throat, cut off the corpses dick and ate it. Ever stop to think that maybe the dude wasn't dead when his carrot (George Carlin description) was cut off and gobbled up?
    Yeah yeah.... I can hear the whining of the caring and compassionate about how this killer might maybe possibly become rehabilitated some far off day in the future if we just keep him fed, housed and safe in a place where he can enjoy more endless homo sex and even smuggled in drugs long enough. All this is being done in an insane world where the elites are now dedicated to killing off 5 or 6 billion of us to save the planet.
    Just how stupid are we anyway?

    1. Society, as a whole, was in much more polite when killers of any kind and bank robbers, plain thieves and rapists were summarily dealt death immediately after conviction. We can thank the bleeding heart libs for this current sorry state of criminal "rehabilitation".

      It was a deterrent because once caught and convicted the criminal was assured that his life was over almost immediately after sentencing, given a day or two to build a gallows and draw a crowd.

      Endless appeals? You get one. If the verdict is sustained, sentence to be imposed immediately after.

      Sure some innocents might be wrongfully convicted. That's on the cops, courts and DA's who, when they with hold exculpatory evidence during a trial, ARE NEVER PUNISHED.

      What kind of deterrent is serving out the rest of your life in jail? Like anonymous above wrote, you get fed clothed and housed for the rest of your life. Whoopee. The bleeding hearts even got a sentence of "hard labor" thrown out in most states and certainly for any federal crime.

      What do the criminals get instead? TV and a commercial class gym, just to make their stay in stir all that more enjoyable and so that they'll be in tip top shape when or if they're allowed to rejoin society to continue their depredations on polite folks.

      Eff that. Oh, you want TV? Sure you can have C-Span 24/7/365, including re-runs. No other outside news or programming allowed. You want to exercise? There's the rock pile and a ten pound sledge. Have at it.



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