
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Commentary: Time to Scrap the Espionage Act of 1917

According to the FBI’s court-approved search warrant for Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, probable cause existed to believe Donald Trump may have violated three laws by seemingly stealing 300 classified government documents from the White House, some extremely sensitive, and squirreling them away in his Florida mansion. For the public, the most arresting (no pun intended) of these allegedly violated statutes is the Espionage Act of 1917.


  1. or maybe enforce the laws equally (Hillary)

  2. Federal government is above the law. Never more plain as the nose on your face as when Trump entered the scene.

  3. It amazes me that people do not understand the military Commander-In-Chief (President) is in charge of setting the security levels of all documents/areas/communications/etc. It is therefore impossible for him to illegally have anything in his possession of that nature stemming from his time as president. Who does the President answer to? Is he not the one that determines things or do we believe he should be beholden to some secret cabal that sets security standards for us? Evidently, most people believe the latter.

  4. Not just all that above, don't you imagine hundreds of thousands of classified documents washed thru the Presiden't Florida White House during his Administration? What's more the documents seized were in exactly the same storage conditions guarded by the same people as when he was President. The whole thing is anti-democracy terrorism waged by the FBI and the democrats.

  5. Trump's greatest failing as President, IMHO, was not firing Milley for insubordination when he found out Milley ignored his order to draw down troops in Syria. Look where the military is now because of that blunder.

    Not to mention that Milley is a self admitted traitor regarding the call to the Chinese General telling the Chinaman that if Trump ordered China nuked, Milley would call him beforehand.

    If Trump wins re-election in 2024, one of his first acts as President should be to arrest Milley and have him court marshaled for treason and fire any of the rest of the Joint Chiefs that defend Milley and keep firing people until they come to attention, salute and exclaim,"Yes sir, right away sir" and follow through.

    On his second day in office Trump should fire every Director and all of their direct subordinates of the Eff Bee Eye, See Eye Aaa, Enn Ess Aaa, Eye Arr Ess, Aaa Tee Eff and all of the White House Staff.

    His other major blunder was not confiscating every one of the White Staff's cell phones, both government issued and private to find out who leaked to the press after the first leaked phone call. He then should have called a press conference and fired that person or persons in public before the entire WH press corps. Then he should have had them criminally prosecuted.

    This "Continuity of Government" BS as the reason behind the keeping all of those staff positions on are pure bullshit designed to undermine whoever is newly elected President. The need for this is self evident. Just look at all of the leaks of phone calls with various other heads of state early in Trump's Presidency as one example of why this is necessary.

    That fuck head Jim Acosta should have had an "accident" after that stunt with the microphone.

    Bribem's team thinks they've got the lock on Gestapo tactics. They ain't seen nothin' yet when the tables get turned on them.



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