
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Oh, those poor children!

PAYNE COUNTY, Okla. (KFOR) – A Payne County mother is furious after she says a high school teacher berated and threatened her daughter and her classmates. She’s posted a cell phone video on social media of the alleged incident, also saying her daughter was suspended after showing the recorded video to the school principal.

“This pisses me off. Yes, I used that word on purpose,” a voice is heard saying at the beginning of the three-minute video provided by parent Megan Wood.

Wood said the video was taken by her freshman daughter at Ripley High School. She told KFOR the voice in it is her daughter’s English teacher, allegedly angry about a damaged dictionary.


  1. Frigging trailer trash not wanting their kids disciplined.

  2. I read the teacher's words and so what's the big deal? Back in my high school days we didn't have cellphones but if I had complained to my parents about what this teacher said my father would have smacked me in the head while telling me "Do what the teacher says".

  3. Parents need to teach their kids some self discipline, and take away their cell phones.

  4. I'm with the teacher on this one.

  5. I suspect that most people here are, like me, old enough to remember a time when misbehaving at school led to you getting a damaged posterior.

  6. 100:1 those parents are single mothers. Making children accountable. Hmmm, I wonder if those individuals that agree with the parents would be okay with their car being keyed by a kid?

  7. Apparently, this parent believes students should be allowed to deface or vandalize school property, then surreptitiously record others with malignant intent with impunity. It would not shock me to learn that the little snitch was the vandal and was waiting for the reaction with their phone at the ready. Children should have to surrender their phones during school hours anyway.

  8. Part of the reason I left teaching was the lack of support from administration. Bravo on the teacher for calling this crap out and also on the Principal for enforcing the rules.

  9. If the kids are hellions, they aren't to blame. The blame lies firmly on the parent(s). The kids should be made to take responsibility for their actions and the parent(s) should be publicly shamed for raising a child who would act so inappropriately.

    1. By high school age, the hellions bear some of the blame, but I'm in full agreement with you that the parents should be publicly shamed for raising hellions.


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