
Monday, September 19, 2022

How the ATF Will Set Their Amnesty Registration Trap Part II

Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, piggybacks off another video to further, and in greater detail, explain how the great amnesty registration trap is likely to work. Using the ATF's own forms and language, we have pieced together a way, by which ATF will use their newly amended Form 1, and their newly created Form 4999. Learn how the trap will be set and how you are likely to step in it.

VIDEO HERE  (8:23 minutes)


  1. seems to me, no matter what you do, you going to be wrong. so why play the game ?
    like the so called safe act up in NY. maybe 10-20% or AR owners even filled out the paperwork ? fuck them.
    anytime paper pushers get to change the laws, you know you going to get fucked.
    besides which, I always thought only congress could make or pass laws ?

  2. Is there a transcript of these videos? That was I can skip all the self-aggrandizement and get to the meat. I hate watching videos that take thirty minutes to explain something that covers maybe two minutes of info.

    1. It was an eight and a half minute video!

    2. Still full of bullsquat and filler. I prefer videos where I can click on 'CC' and read the damn things.

    3. So I should quit posting videos because the three of you have short attention spans?
      I suggest you just skip over them then.

    4. Nobody suggested that at all, Kenny. The question was are there any other resources. Some of us cannot handle video well, and prefer hard copy.

    5. I must admit that's what I do. Very rarely do I watch a video. I'll skip those and appreciate the witty comments anyway, for the most part.

      Mostly that really is my short attention span. Not like I don't have time. At least I have the excuse of constant pain as to why I'm distracted all the time though.

    6. Call the videos "Titties", we'll watch for 20 minutes waiting to see them.

    7. Talk about being rude in someone else house. No one cares how you like your videos and I highly doubt Kenny is going to change it up for you. So, how about a thank you to your host and you move out smartly?

    8. Unclezip - my apologies. That was meant to be sarcasm but it came out too hard. I was in a bit of a shitty mood last night after putting shit off so I could wait around here all damned day for a wheelchair ramp for Lisa that never showed up.
      Yes, there are several gun channels on youtube that I don't watch for the same reasons you stated.
      Finding videos for my last post of the day is much harder than it should be. I try to find ones that I believe will be interesting for most of the readers, and I really do try to stay away from politics (and I hate the fact that our 2A Rights are political) but at the same time, as many people that own AR pistols, I figured this was a video that needed to be put out there.

    9. Wirecutter: No real reason to apologize. I watch some videos and they all have a slider to skip the filler. It is relatively easy and I use them to good effect to get the best stuff. There are many purveyors of information to see, you can choose your poison. There is one guy who has good stuff, but his delivery is the most annoying human voice I have heard in a long time. As soon as I see his face, I click away. I have, however, developed a mild need to see the Drain Addict clear drains; I practically start jonesing out if it is too long between pronouncements of "Blocked Drain".

    10. I've got a couple of gun channels that I feel the same about. Paul Harrel is one of them. I can't stand the sound of the man's voice and will immediately click it off if somebody sends me the link to one of his videos.
      Usually what I do with videos is turn it on, pick up my kindle, and play solitaire while listening to it. If there's key points that manages to distract me from my game, I'll rewatch it without the distraction.

  3. Wow. glad I stayed away from AR pistols. Always thought it was a bad idea as it is too close to SBR. Way to many rules. Even though it did make a good pistol that had more power than any other kind of pistol.

    ATF tries to give you rope you just say no, thanks.

    1. Or just decide to become ungovernable and refuse to comply with any and all of it.

      You know, like a man would.

      The alternative seems to be allowing oneself to be a serf.


    2. AR pistols are just the gateway; they’re determined to disarm us. Phuck the pheds!

    3. There is nothing wrong with AK/AR style pistols. The problem is when someone adds a stock to them. Yes, the "brace" is a stock. Shame on the ATF for saying "Braces are ok" and then saying "Braces are not ok".

  4. Thanks, Ken, for closely following the issue and posting the videos. As a gunowner/FFL licensee/professional gunsmith, it is vital that I keep updated with these changes. You make it much easier for all of us.

    1. Texan, thank you. I think it's vital that we all stay updated on these changes. There's folks out there that aren't 'gun people' and don't follow 2A news but bought AR pistols during the past year due to rising crime and troubled times, and they're going to become felons without even knowing it.

  5. Another episode of "show me the man and I'll show you the crime". This is an obvious blatant plan by the Fed Criminals to manufacture lawbreakers they can then target. Just like the FBI criminals who create, foment, fund and support terrorist acts that they can then bust allowing them to crow about their "prowess" to their media whore accomplices.

  6. Ditto what Paul says.. don't trust the ATF, or any other federal agency for that matter. Its why I only buy my guns private party now. Fuck, them. You could have treated me like a law abiding citizen following gun laws, but instead you decided to fuck all that constitution nonsense. Now you are persona nongrata, and deliberately will get nothing from me, to the best of my ability, even if it means breaking one of your unconstitutional and illegal laws (congress writes laws, not executive agencies).

  7. I believe Ronald Reagan said it best the most terrifying words in the English language, I am from the government and I’m here to help you

  8. What I got from the video was that the 'trap' is using the excuse of a few technicalities such as length of pull or accessories to re-class the AR pistol as a short barrel rifle, requiring a $200 license fee. I think I got that right.

    1. And then rejecting your application for whatever reason to register it as an SBR and then them confiscating it.
      Yessir, you got the gist of it.
      What gets me is the number of people that say they can take the brace off and running it with just a straight buffer tube and it'll be legal, even when the video they're commenting on explains the scoring sheet.

    2. Then I wonder what would be the legal effect of using the lower receiver (which has a pistol serial #) and replacing the barrel with a longer barrel. This is getting way too complicated.

    3. I agree, it is waaay too complicated.

      Right now, at this moment, you can convert an AR pistol into a rifle, but you can't convert a rifle into a pistol.

      Now if you bought the parts separately, who's to say what you built? When you're buying a lower and you fill out a 4473, the gunshop will mark it down as 'other' because at that point, it's neither a rifle or a pistol, it's just a lower. The only way the ATF will be able to know is if the company you bought the AR pistol upper receiver from turns over their sales records to them.

  9. Applying in the first place is an admission of guilt you have a sbr. Thus amnesty. That’s the trap.


    1. Which is what Mr Kirk says in this video he posted today.

  10. I have a semi-auto Thompson.45 without a stock. Very inaccurate as is but if I add a stock I’m told it becomes Class III.


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