
Monday, September 19, 2022

Fucking Mondays gifdump II












  1. so, skate board equals stupid these days ?

    1. 'These days'?
      --Tennessee Budd

    2. I hope the bike guy had the brains to shrug it off and walk away, there were at least three of the pavement apes there and if he says one harsh word they'll stomp him into the pavement.

    3. #5 - As irritating as I find most cyclists, and I'm absolutely certain that one hasn't obeyed a traffic rule in his life, I still hope he got up and ruined that skate boarder's day.

  2. Had a spider web like that in passenger side of my 250. Pissed the wife off by leaving the window open at night and a small LED light inside on the floorboard to attract bugs. Every morning that web was filled with bugs. Every time my wife got in, she had to tear the web down and the spider would hide somewhere behind the dash and rebuild. That went on for about 3 weeks then he just disappeared.

    1. Only female spiders make webs.

    2. "That went on for about 3 weeks then he just disappeared." The wife?

  3. #10 I was laying on the couch one day and decided it was time to get my lazy arse up. I rolled over and put one foot on the floor and pushed myself up from the couch to put my other foot on the floor. About 6 inches from putting my first foot down was this HUGH spider. I was like holy crap! It was in the are where my second foot would have come down. It was close to the size of my palm (not the body, the whole thing). I didn't want to smash it and have to clean up the guts which would've went everywhere so I got a plastic jar and tried to catch it that way. That sucker was fast and scooted away under the couch. I couldn't find it so I don't know where it went but haven't seen it since. --sammy

    1. The fast ones bite. I have a friend out of work for two weeks with a spider bite.

    2. 7/71, I had just been introduced to my bunker mate Nate Turner near Hoi An, very close to Dien Ban. We worked with the ROK Marines providing communications with any English speaking support groups, such as artillery or Helos. From under the bottom bunk it emerged, I heard a sound of skittering taps on the coveted (plywood allowed us to get out of the rack and place feet on a dry surface and not soil, plywood was hard to come by in Indian country) piece of plywood behind me and turned to catch a glimpse of a large “Daddy-long- legs” looking spider. It’s centered brown body was ping pong ball size, probably four inches in height and easily a foot in diameter. It’s articulate legs (the way it lifted it front legs straight up was odd) were spiked with short hairs protruding from the spikes. It scuttled almost crablike across the elevated by sandbags plywood and disappeared beneath it. I’d seen black male tarantulas at Camp Pendleton and they are big but this guest was much larger. Folks ask why we didn’t search for it and I explain there were more things happening to be concerned about. I’ve written to spider experts at a couple of universities and could not get a best answer to what I witnessed. Most experts said it was a Harvestman spider but pics are different from what I saw. Even wrote to Saigon and Hanoi university’s but got no response, surprise. I know what I saw/heard. I follow a site Cherries and another Vet describes the same spider. Critters witnessed there are what make for good nightmares. Uuurr-Rraahh!

    3. Worst spider bite you can get in this country is by a Brown Recluse. Causes necrosis with deep ulcerations that won’t heal for many months. They like to hang out in outhouses so watch your ass! Much worse than a Black Widow bite.

  4. #7 - She almost saved it....almost

    1. I have a bit of thing for girls who have just the right level of plumpness.

  5. #2 - One night I took my young (maybe 50 lbs) rottie out for her last wizz before bed. I paused on the porch steps to admire the beautiful night sky. She was on one of those 16 foot retractable leashes. As I was taking in the view, I failed to notice that she had seen a rabbit in the yard. She had a 16 foot head of steam built up when she reached the end of the leash. Next thing I knew, I was lying face down on the concrete walk, and she was licking my face.

    1. Yep, those retractables are educational. Once was enough for me. I learned.

    2. I put 8' of bungee on my retractable and my initials are F.J.B.

  6. #3 Skateboarder, guarantee that is not his car.

  7. #4 Gotta give the kid credit. He started off with the understanding that everything important needs to have protection.

  8. If you own a dog, not a rat, those extendible leashes are just courting disaster.

    1. Yeah, all they do is give the dog a head start. Once it hits the full stop, you're full gone.

    2. So true. I have clients (usually elderly) that come into the clinic with the dogs on the extendable leads and I'll be damned if them fuckers don't know how to lock it. Someone walks into the front door and the dog in the waiting room runs out to the full 15, 20, 25 feet of retractable lead, then yanks the client right off the bunch. I don't know who I feel more sorry for, the person coming in the front door or the person lying on the floor acting surprised at what just happened. Nothing beats a good old leather or nylons leash attached to a nice pinch collar at the other end. COMPLETE control of the dog.

    3. On the rare occasion that I have to leash that asshole dog Jack, it's with a heavy duty nylon leash and I keep him in a heel position at my left side. There's only a couple inches of slack in the leash so that if he starts to react to something, he gets a swift jerk up with my left hand and that's enough to let him know he better calm his ass down.

  9. This looks like "Wirecutter's Gifdump-Jackass edition"

  10. #8 Why can’t the idiot without the crutches hold the camera straight❓

  11. #1, 3, 5: I never have and never will have any use for skateboarders.

    #2: I'm dealing with a larger dog (pup) these days. I'm well over 200 pounds and if I'm not paying attention he can almost take me off my feet or dislocate my shoulder.

    #7: It's like trying to stop a loaded dump truck on a dime. Just too much mass to control.


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