
Monday, September 19, 2022

Say Her Name - Some victims are more equal than others

If I were a real MAGA extremist, I’d be able to tell you about a specific murder trend happening in America right now, but I don’t want to get on the FBI terror watch list. 

What I can tell you is this: we are living in a real-life version of The Purge. Murders are up at least 44 percent in two years.


  1. It's all part of that depopulation scheme by the WEF.

  2. anyone who has lived in a city area with others already knows this. or they should.
    the laws have gotten worse regarding how these assholes are dealt with too.
    after they built the projects back in the late 1960's life began to change and not for the better
    either. the last few years of city living(?) I kept a 45 on me at all times and a AR carbine close by at home. or a 12 ga pump loaded with buckshot and slugs.
    they where doing home invasions back in the late 1990's in philly.
    they just kept the press down about it.
    and just so you know, you will never get a fair trial in the city with them.
    you are guilty just by your skin.

    1. Which project? I had a buddy worked for PHA cops back in the day, he told stories about King Plaza and Torresdale Homes.
      Stay safe

    2. does it matter ? everyone they put up became a shithole and that spilled out all
      over what once where nice places to live. I remember my dad sitting on the front porch with a shotgun across his legs during the riots back then.

  3. She needs to read 'The Talk - White Edition.' It's the one that got the author, John Derbyshire, fired from National Review.

  4. Careful, or BLM may show up to show YOU that YOU are the racist.

  5. Those darned Amish raise a ruckus wherever they go! When are we going to stand up for ourselves as a society and pass some common sense Amish control laws?

  6. What the fuck is wrong with people? Would she feel guilty about avoiding a room full of rattlesnakes?

    Liberalism is a mental disease.

  7. Houston after Katrina

  8. The author of this insanity is mentally defective. Sadly she wasn't removed from the gene pool prior to passing along her genetic defectiveness. We as a society have short circuited Darwinian selection and now we are paying the price for that.

  9. But it's not "ghetto trash" (even "ghetto trash" that vote) gleefully genociding bad skins.

    It is Katy Perry. And PTA moms (the PTA at "your" "good" school -- far, far, from voting "ghetto trash"). And the people you vote for that tell you "White people must end."

    Until you are willing to shun them, in all ways, for nothing more than supporting "racial justice", they have nothing to gain from allowing you to live.

  10. Thank Obama who had a real chance to be a great president, but devolved into a greedy, divisive, overgrown ego, chip on the shoulder grifter.

  11. When Hickenlooper was mayor of Denver he called the Post And Rocky into his office and told them to keep black on white crime out of the papers especially the incidents happening around the 16th St Mall so the tourists wouldn't get scared off.

    He went on to be Gov and is now a senator. Fucking leech motherfucker. Elections there as Tina Peters, now facing charges for trying to show proof, are as corrupt as PA or GA.

  12. That is a very good article. I passed it along to some friends and loved ones who need to see this. Also, don't think that cooperation during a crime is going to save your life. Get a gun. Learn how to use it proficiently, and fight like the third monkey trying to get on board Noah's ark.
    This YouTube video (sign in to verify age is required) shows a Tupelo, MS store clerk cooperating with a perp and what it ultimately cost him.

  13. Say THEIR names! Channon Christian and Chris Newsome. Read about their brutal abduction, rape, torture and murders in 2007. Never heard of them? Imagine that.

    1. We were living in Maryville at the time. What a horrible crime.

    2. I've lived in Maryville over 22 years. It exploding with recent influx west coast ex-pats.


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