
Friday, September 02, 2022

Jane Fonda, 84, announces she has cancer after being diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Hollywood megastar Jane Fonda says she has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and that she is receiving chemotherapy for the disease. 

Fonda, 84, took to Instagram Friday and wrote: 'So, my dear friends, I have something personal I want to share. I've been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and have started chemo treatments.'


Have at it, Vets. You've been waiting a long, long time for this.


  1. She has not been a megastar for years. She is a treasonous person who should have been tried for treason. Giving aid and comfort to the enemy is without doubt treason!

  2. That's what she deserves for being a commie. And if y'all haven't read the latest news, chemotherapy is 97% ineffective. It's only there to make Big Pharma happy.

    1. Tell me more! (not being sarcastic)

  3. Right above an article labeled "Know Your Enemy The Viet Cong".
    How did you know?

    I was not an American Citizen back when all this cr.p happened in Vietnam. I am the same age as all those kids that lost their lives, their health, and their sanity because of what happened there.
    Being betrayed by your own people, and Hanoi Jane was not the only one, is inexcusable.

    1. Pure coincidence, I assure you.
      I scheduled the video a few days ago with my regular Friday features, then over the next couple days I added in the different news articles. I saw this story a little while ago and immediately posted it, not even checking its placement.

    2. The placement of this article only goes to prove God has a wicked sense of humor.

  4. Trying hard to remember that I am a Christian and it is not my place to judge her soul. Her actions, however - those I am free to condemn unequivocally.

    1. Roger that. I despise her as a person, but don't wish death upon her.

    2. I want the bitch dead.

    3. I echo Univ of Saigon 68 as a believer in Christ, but what she did to my brothers is inexcusable. May St. Peter and GOD have mercy on our soul.

      NavVet in Wisc

  5. TomR, armed in TexasSeptember 2, 2022 at 5:37 PM

    I have less loathing for the Viet Cong that I fought than I do for Hanoi Jane. She and Hanoi John Kerry must have reserved seats in hell.

    1. I've been looking forward to reading her obituary for decades.

  6. Well deserved. I hope they drag out her misery with many unsuccessful chemo sessions and surgery after surgery. They're going to need to install a gutter and storm drain around her grave to handle all the piss. Why she never was stripped of her citizenship and put in Leavenworth is a testament to the gutless political class we've home-grown.

  7. To hear Jane Fonda is dead gives me reason to live. If I hear she is dead and die moments later my life will have been forefilled.

    1. Ha, forefilled, where to hell did I get that word. Maybe fulfilled. I do weird shit these days.

  8. Can I send her a card with these comments.

  9. Maybe we got lucky and it was jump-started by the vaxx...

    1. You're probably correct.
      If she followed all the other 'virtue signalers' and was double vaxxed and single or double boosted, according to what I've read and heard her immune system has cratered, which would make her susceptible to cancer & assorted other nasties.
      As someone else noted, the only ones who benefit from chemo are the doctors.
      She will suffer.

  10. I guess I didn't watch the right stuff. She wasn't that big a deal to me.

  11. She is no more a commie than a whole bunch of government officials we have in DC right now. At least she was up-front with her shit. I am a viet nam vet and am disgusted with what she did, but the was just playing compared with what is going on in our government today.

    1. I and plenty of others will be more than willing to piss on their graves as well, in the name of "equality".

    2. That, right there.

    3. First the graves must be occupied. Most rik-tik. THEN the lines will form....

  12. Where does the line start to piss on her grave?

  13. It can't take her soon enough. Wylie Mike

  14. Please let me know where the starts. You know which one!

  15. The line to piss on her grave will be so damn long you’ll be able to see it from space.

    1. Let's bury her in lake Mead. It can use the water.

  16. That witch can dry up and blow away like old dog shit for all I care.

  17. Unfortunately, cancer has arrived 84 years too late for her. The cancer that is the misery she caused and has been unrepentant for is far greater than her cancer will ever be.

  18. Unfortunately her cancer is a kind that is easily treated and with a high survival rate.
    May her death be drawn out, painful, and gruesome.
    Unlike the death she should have suffered 50 years ago; a long drop with a sudden stop at the end.

  19. I hope your passing is painless and soon.

  20. I am a Christian, and know that I am supposed to forgive her. But the only reason that I can see that she might have apologized is to take money from the country that she dishonored. Of course, we have people do the same thing to day, but at least they tend to do it here, at home, and not while visiting other countries.
    The entire Vietnam war was a huge government screwing of the American people, the soldiers and those who were their supporting them especially. But just because we learned that the government was corrupt is still no reason to forgive her for what she did to the people that were there at the orders of the military, usually with no choice except Vietnam or Leavenworth.
    No doubt the MSM will sing her praises along with all of her celebrity friends comments saying how loved she was, and how much they agreed with what she did during her '72 visit to Vietnam, once she melts when some little girl pours a bucket of water on her. Any veteran's demonstration will only be seen online or on Fox News.

  21. Die, bitch, die! I will piss on her grave.

  22. I certainly hope it takes a long long long, disfiguring, humiliating and painful time to finally kill the bitch.

  23. I was going to pass this up, but I returned to comment.
    Many of the people I served with came from farms, coal mining towns and factory towns.
    The only way they were not going to end up the same as their dads, uncles and everyone else...they left home to try and better themselves and possibly get an education.
    The threat of breaching their contract, many feared getting kicked out or worse, going to Ft Leavenworth. Many became alcoholics, or addicted to pain meds.
    I served in the Gulf and had many close calls. PTSD/shell shock never goes away.
    Hanoi Jane has no idea how good she has had it her whole life. I never wish ill on anyone, but I do not have sympathy for her either.
    Now back to your regular scheduled programing!

    1. sympathy goes to everyone who has had to put up with this worthless bitch for the last 60 years. as far as I'm concerned she can rot in hell.

    2. I'm not commenting at a comment. I saw the word sympathy and recalled years ago a guy telling me. Ya want sympathy? Look it up in the dictionary. It's between shit and syphilis. Still makes me chuckle today.

  24. Fonda has been a cancer for years.....


  25. 7 + 9 = racist white people

    Unless you are talking to your dealer.

  26. Real cancer, or "I need my name in the news" cancer?

  27. non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: 5yr survival rate is %71. Annually 5% die.

    If it's the slow growing type, this will not kill her. Old age will get her first.

  28. Alright! Time to start stocking up on party favors.

  29. I guess she should have thought twice about hanging out with all those Marines at Camp Lejeune in the 1970s. Maybe file for standing in the big lawsuit, biotch? Good f-in luck.

  30. It’s behavior of coddling the enemy and making Nam Vets the bad guys,
    made my last year of service (72’) in the USMC more difficult while in S. California. Hitchhiking was a crapshoot, lots of spit sent my direction, reminded I “ate babies” and purposely left in “dead zones” where folks couldn’t stop to give you a lift. S.Cali folks are at times vicious. Oh yeah, FJB the PedoHitler.

  31. Has she selected the cemetery for her final intonement? Is the "Next" ticker tape number issuer installed for the line to piss on her grave? I anticipate a fucking piss swamp.

  32. I put a Fonda face screen in the urinal for my mechanics at work . I swear those boys drank more water than ever before . I may have increased my intake and output too . Gotta' stay hydrated ya' know .

  33. Satan is lighting up a porcupine in preparation to shove up her ass for the rest of eternity.

  34. Die a painful death and rot in Hell, Cunt.

  35. Best news that I have heard in a long time!

  36. Fuck the bitch, she's been dead to me for decades.

    1. Careful. I was fucking the dead for years, then I got a divorce.

  37. I can hardly wait to see if her casket floats.

  38. Perhaps the Vietnamese have a cure for her....

  39. She’s like the rest of the treason clan, those in Hollywood and in the Government. They too will pay the price in the hot pits of hell.

  40. Can't wait to piss on her grave.

  41. She's 82. Why doesn't she just die with dignity like normal people her age?

  42. I am sure Hanoi has a burial plot available.

  43. Politicians, Wars and Scandals, come and go...

    But hating Jane Fonda is forever!

  44. I hope its fucking painful and takes a long damned time!

  45. I fucking hate California but I'm going to drive there just to wait in the line of Veterans waiting to piss on her grave.

  46. I can wait. I've got a ticket to piss and shit on her grave.

  47. The movie Barbarella was the highpoint of her "career".


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