
Friday, September 02, 2022

Play stupid games.....

A 15-year-old boy lost his arm in a subway surfing accident in Queens Monday morning, police and law enforcement sources told KTLA sister station WPIX.

The incident occurred at the 74th Street and Broadway stop in Jackson Heights at 10:24 a.m. The northbound R train was pulling away from the station when the teen was hit, according to an NYPD spokeswoman.


  1. Their will be a lawsuit.
    Bad Train Bad.
    There was no sign that said "don't do anything stupid".

  2. He will never be able to change hands and gain a stroke.....

  3. We can make him stronger...

  4. Remember the old. Look Ma no hands, Look Ma no brains comes to mind.

  5. His arm was found and it will be re-attached, although he has plenty of physical therapy to look forward to. Pretty sure he's grounded for the rest of the year and will be kept busy when not studying.

    Random life tips: Medical bills aren't cheap in the USA but there are quite a few ways to get medical debt wiped out for those that want to dig into it. Medical debt is not credit card debt and people flush their rights and options away by converting medical debt into credit card debt.

    If it's ever an emergency and the hospital renders aid to someone that didn't ask or sign for it, nor did anyone else; it's very likely that person can walk away from the debt without any repayment. It will probably go to collections but there isn't much they can do and it's hardly worth pursuing. Falls off in seven years.

    - Arc

    1. Great advice anon/ You sound like our local idiot consumer advocated Clarke Howard here in Georgia. Make stupid decisions, don't worry about the cost. Your fellow citizens will cover it because you "chose" not to pay it. Here's the way it should be. You fucking trains surfed ha dude. You idiot. What insurance do you have? We can re-attach and rehabilitate but that will be 800K. Does your insurance cover that? no, then we'll just help you not die. One armed people are dime a dozen. Thanks. See you next time you do something idiotic.

    2. Rayvet, the last time I ended up in a hospital to receive medical aid was over a decade ago and from plain clothed cops getting the wrong house; and to top it off, they lacked a warrant. I didn't ask for a tetanus shot, MRI, etc, rather they hauled me up to the hospital to have it done, likely for ass-covering. The hospital was told in no uncertain terms to send the bill to the city / police that caused it. Well, they didn't and it went to collections; I got an angry, toothless letter in the mail that I ignored because there was no way I was going to pay that trash and I was effectively unable to pay since I didn't have a job and was preparing to enlist.

      When hospitals are required to post their prices and compete in an open market then medical bills might become payable again. As long as insurance gets one price and people paying out of pocket are handed another based on the grossly over-priced master-charge list, then I will continue to point people to ways to fend off life-destroying medical debts. The bills are compounded by people indoctrinated from cradle to grave to pay them at all costs, even to the extent of destroy themselves and their children's future to meet the hospital's and other entities profit margins.

      Your position, if applied to the nation, is a net detriment on the people. It produces handicapped people that will be ostracized by our current social-economic systems, rather than people who have the opportunity for a productive lives that pay taxes. The majority of employers do not want employees with any kind of disability and will find every legal way to keep such people out of their workforce. Complying with the ADA costs additional time, labor, and money.

      You seem to think someone that made a mistake while young and stupid should spend the rest of their life handicapped and with poor quality of life. I disagree deeply with your position and not only vote against it, but it is a factor in my motivations to pursue a chemistry degree along side building my home business. Until we reform politics and campaign finance; more money is more say and a greater vote.

      - Arc

  6. Too bad it wasn't his balls. That way he can't breed.


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