
Friday, September 02, 2022

The worst day fishing beats the best day working

BOSTON - In the nick of time, the Boston Police Department’s harbor patrol unit rescued a father and son who were desperately clinging to a cooler at the outermost edge of Boston Harbor after their lobster boat sank. 

Officers Stephen Merrick and Garrett Boyle responded to a call for a boat taking on water at about 6:30 p.m. Wednesday near Graves Light Station, police said in a statement. The privately owned lighthouse is on a rocky islet about 9 miles (14.5 kilometers) from the coast.


  1. I guess they would say they were working then.

  2. " ... the boat's 28' engine ..."
    And the article doesn't say who made the call for help, were other people near about, how long they'd been in the water, or why they couldn't reach shore.

    But we know the lighthouse is privately owned.
    The age of the son remains unknown and it wasn't until near the bottom that the age of the dad is revealed.

    Good grief, is it too much to ask for journalistic endeavor?

    1. Maybe they made the radio call with their very own radio? Some boats do have radios, you know, and I'd imagine damned near every commercial fishing boats does too. And why is them giving the age of the father so important? You can see by the video screenshot the son is a grown man, why would you need a exact age to realize the father is an older gentleman?

    2. Kenny, bless your heart.

      I've been boating all my life. I commercially fished for nigh ten years. I've sailed across oceans. Yes, I know boats have radios. I know a lot about boats having radios.

      An article should inform yet here we are left to speculate. If the boat did have a radio, why did they not have, say a life raft or some other safety device? We'll speculate on that too.

      Didja notice my whole point was to lament crappy journalism? Some of what was provided in the article was less relevant whereas more relevant details were left out. My point was dad's age was not important, neither was the status of the lighthouse, yet there they are.


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