
Friday, September 02, 2022

Student loan forgiveness limited for many by US drug war's legacy

WASHINGTON - President Joe Biden says he hopes his proposal to forgive federal student loans will narrow the nation's racial wealth gap. But a generation of Black and Hispanic Americans was disproportionately shut out of one of the keys to Biden's plan: the Pell Grant program. 

As part of the "war on drugs" — a consequential, anti-crime legislative agenda that Biden championed as a U.S. senator — an estimated hundreds of thousands of convicted drug offenders had their access to federal financial aid delayed or denied, including Pell Grants and student loans. If they wanted to go to college after their prison terms ended, these offenders had to take on larger, often predatory, private student loans.


  1. Anybody expecting good stuff out of the Biden Pay Everybody Something administration need remember "Obama gone make my car payment."

    1. I too smell a Halfrican behind this redistribution of wealth. Just remember this Joe Sixpack, the jug-eared illegal poser told you this before his first coronation.

  2. Nobody, and I mean nobody has ever given me shit. I can't bring myself to care.....

  3. the more someone relies on the Gov. to take care of them ,the more freedom you loose. "We don't like something you might have done , so you are cut off from your handouts peon"

  4. There is no intent to attend college for a degree. They just want to take out the student loans knowing that they will never pay them back. IMHO.


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