
Monday, September 26, 2022

USPS spied on pro-gun protestors

The United States Postal Service, or USPS, isn’t the topic of a lot of discussion here at Bearing Arms. That’s because, well, there’s generally not much reason to talk about them.

That’s especially true when you look at the shenanigans being carried out by both the FBI and the ATF. I mean, why would we spend a lot of time talking about the post office?

Well, it seems that postal inspectors are more than willing to get into anti-gun shenanigans themselves.


  1. Remember, they are not spying on you because of YOUR views. They are spying on you because of THEIR views.

  2. It seems there are a lot of these constantly surprised type of articles.

    Does not any of them remember the promise of 'whole of government' effort directed against freedom loving Americans?

  3. Wirecutter-In the coming days, the USPS is going to be our worst enemy. The USPS is going to be delivering all the personal communications to us from the IRS, ATF, and local government. The alphabet agencies don't have the nerve or the numbers to survive door-to-door visits with John Q Public. They merely have the ability to get the postal workers to deliver intimidating paper letters and do their dirty work for them. At some point in time soon, we are going to have to forgo mail and threaten our postal workers not to deliver anything to our homes...or else.

  4. The USPS also started making a list of subversives, like those subscribing to The Epoch Times.

  5. The bastards are certified communists here in my ao . If you fly a Trump flag they throw your package in the ditch . I actually saw them do it to a neighbor . I took the package over to them . I've had to switch all my bills over to digital pay because they wouldn't deliver then until after they were due . Real commie assholes . I complained about one of them not picking up my mail outgoing and was told they don't have to . Their only responsibility is to deliver . Pick up is voluntary . We need to privatize next time we're in majority . If we ever get another chance . It's not looking good.


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