
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Black shooter, nothing to see here, move along, move along...

The gunman who opened fire in a St. Louis high school on Monday, leaving three dead and wounding several others, has been identified as a 19-year-old former student Orlando Harris. 

Harris was killed by St. Louis Metropolitan Police during a shootout. Cops IDed the teen just hours after the tragedy at Central Visual & Performing Arts High.


I can almost see the editors of all the MSM stations and papers cussing and throwing fits, "Damnit, why couldn't he have been a White Conservative???"


  1. the "correct" gun law could have prevented this. shoot the motherfukker first.

  2. Boy oh boy.... the mood in the nation is past explosive. I believe if they successfully steal this coming election, there will be mayhem in the streets, election judges and clerks franticly trying to reach the ER before they bleed out. LGBQ's etc will be rushing to find a hole to hide in, and all our crooked, thieving pols will be trying to get on planes for New Zealand so they can find safety in Mordor. When the lid finally does blow off, there will be little to no attempt by millions of real Americans to follow the rules - any rules. The French Revolution may just be a minor prelude to what can happen here. I had hoped to die (I'm 83) before this calamity came to pass, but it looks like I won't be that lucky.

    Like the Indian in that Clint Eastwood movie said... "Hell is coming to breakfast".

  3. I am SO surprised, must be misunderstood "yute".
    Tree Mike

  4. Blooches will always get a pass from the Progressive MSM except if they're Herschel Walker, Allen West, Mark Robinson or Tim Scott

  5. True to form, if the wounded count exceeds the killed count by a lot, you've got a black perp.

  6. They called it a 'tragedy'. Wrong word. The correct word is "travesty".

  7. "loud gunshot blasts" not load gunshots. Even the Post, a supposedly conservative leaning paper, just can't resist embellishing the story to follow the narrative of guns bad.


  8. The post also failed to disclose that according to my local news here in Georgia, the guy had an extensive criminal record.

    1. The Post has gone downhill pretty fast. They now just do the same as all the other drive by media, basically re-write tweets from twatter. Zero investigation and almost zero details. A story from this morning "US Army Reservist Killed in accident" while training or something. The babe was a hottie. No details on what happened. A babe that hot, love triangle gone wrong ? the stories just leave you wanting more info. It has turned into the US Version of The Daily Mail.

      Steve the Engineer

    2. I saw the same article Steve. And man, you ain't kidding she was hot. But two others were "injured" at the same time so I'm thinking it was a vehicle crash.

  9. One article posted his facebook comments. I had to study it to try to figure out what he was saying. The guy should not have passed grade school.

  10. ABC World News has plenty to say. No mention of race (which isn’t relevant anyway, but would be mentioned if the shooter was white), but they ranted about how much ammo he had, and his EBR (eee-vil black rifle).

    There are too many of these school shootings for me to call them random. It’s always the lone psycho, and always the EBR. Some dark gov’t agency is finding them, grooming them, and supplying them.

    1. They say most of these mass shooters are on some form of psychotropic drugs.


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