
Thursday, October 06, 2022

Fucking crybaby

The activist who jumped onto Levi Stadium’s field during Monday’s Rams- 49ers game has filed a police report.

We’ve all seen the video by now – the “fan” ignites a flare then runs onto the field and near the Rams sideline. But only for a few seconds. That’s because he was soon flattened by Los Angeles linebacker Bobby Wagner

And now, the protester is crying about it. TMZ reports that a police report relating to the incident has been filed.

This is why we can’t have nice things.


I don't know about you, but any time I think about doing something stupid I always weigh the consequences.
Sure, sometimes something unexpected happens, but that's all part of being a fuck-up. You just deal with it, mark it as being a lesson learned and drive on.
I remember one time I ran into an ex girlfriend at a bar and gave her a friendly pat on the ass for old time's sake. Her current boyfriend (who I didn't know was there) took offense and flattened me for it. Did I call the cops on him for assault? No. Did I learn a lesson? You better believe it. 
See? It's that simple.


  1. Him and his hideous broad were there protesting for some animal right's group too. So he double deserved whatever he got.

  2. I'm old enough to remember when a fan ran onto the field during a Chicago Bears football game, grabbed the football from the playing field and started run off. Dick Butkus, Bear's middle linebacker, close lined the sucker. His explanation was that if he worked in an office and someone started to steal the typewriter needed to do the work, he'd do the same thing. The football was his typewriter. LMAO.

  3. Sadly it's not that simple anymore. And keep in mind this perp besides knowingly and deliberately trespassed for attention to his cause, may have put into his calculation, being flattered by a player in order to sue the players, the NFL, the stadium owners for beacoup bucks for further attention to the cause and a pay out for him and those behind him.

  4. Sorry to say it, but it wasn’t game time. The player is gonna wind up losing his behind. PLUS, the pre-existing penalty for this was already established: ejection and a small fine. NOT being hit -during NON game time- by a professional athlete. That’s why they let $12 an hour security do it, liability.

  5. Remember this broad and her rabbit Snow?

    She was part of the same group, Direct Action Everywhere, as the clown who got tackled at the football game.

    Sniff, sniff.

    1. Elmo, it was Snow the chook. It’s due to concentration camp gaolers like Wirecutter that violence rules. When next you’re in KFC, say her name!

    2. Yes, I got the rabbit/chicken, food/meat is violence both crossed up. I was working from memory, because I couldn't stand listening to the arrogant little drama queen's voice again, even after 7 or 8 years. She and her childish friends really irritate me, even more so than the knucklehead who got tackled.

  6. Maybe he should be grateful that he's still able to file a police report.

  7. Why the hell are people sticking up for the nfl?
    Don't give two shits about those asswipes.
    Hope he sues them all.

    1. Who here's sticking up for the NFL?
      Sure sounds to me like you're sticking up for the animal rights snowflake though.

    2. Just a guess, but I think there's still a lot of 'fuck the nfl and it's woke-assisms' sentiment.
      Personally, I'd love to see the judge stare down that dimbulb and sentence him to a season of cleaning the heads in the stadium...with a toothbrush.

  8. The little fuck should have gone out on a stretcher. As for precedent, Mike Curtis levelled some asshole that ran on the field. Was he charged or sued?

    1. I remember that game. When a reporter asked Curtis why he nailed the guy he said, "If he didn't want to get hit he shouldn't have been on the field."

  9. Attempted arson, and assaulting a player?

  10. So the security person who blew out his knee chasing the activist shoukd sue him for his medical expenses and anything else a good lawyer can pile on!

  11. So if you “pat” a woman on the ass at a bar, you get your own ass “kicked”? Doesn’t seem fair.

  12. good decisions are the result of experiance.
    experiance is the result of bad decisions.
    this guy now has some experiance.

  13. I'd expect corporate lawyers could get together and file a civil suit against this poor victim. Off the top of my head, trespassing, violating his contract with the stadium as buying a ticket does not allow access to all areas of the stadium, expenses for security, delays, damage to facilities and the cost of inspection to determine the field is safe to use...and so forth.

  14. any time I pick up a blade of any kind, I consider just how long it took for the wound to heal the last time I picked up a blade. also, just how much of a idiot I felt I was when I sliced myself open. so, I ask myself, do I want to be an idiot again and get my arm stitched up to the elbow again? yep. I dood it.


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