
Thursday, October 06, 2022

I want to know what took them so damned long?

Federal agents investigating President Biden’s son Hunter have gathered what they believe is sufficient evidence to charge him with tax crimes and a false statement related to a gun purchase, according to people familiar with the case. The next step is for the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, a Trump administration holdover, to decide on whether to file such charges, these people said.


And what's up with this "to decide on whether to file such charges" bullshit? If it was one of us mere commoners, they'd be all over our asses.


  1. It's because when they charge Trump with insurrection and High Treason they can say: See we charged the president's son too so we're not biased, we're fair.

    1. Exacty. Oh, any mention of 10% for the big guy? The $5 million he defrauded Tony Bobulinsky? I didn’t think so.

      Steve the Engineer

  2. If it was one of us commoners, they'd be on us like white on rice. Stink on shit. You git the gist.

  3. I think it is because of SloJo. I think that in prosecuting him, there would be some links back to SloJo and the Dems will protect him as long as he is POTUS. Though I would love to see both busting big rocks somewhere.

  4. They want to prosecute hunter now so can get a pardon.

    1. That is exactly their plan. The case will drag on until Biden's term is up so Hunter will serve a few days or weeks before a full pardon. It would be a hoot if after this is put in motion, mortality sets in and FJB is off to the down under (not AUS) and Hunter is left in the lurch!

  5. Running the shot clock (statute of limitations) out....

  6. Back in 78 a Jimmy , brother of a young lady I was sniffing on regularly was walking down the street drunk . The cops also found a couple downers in his pocket . The very same week a local judges daughter got caught selling pot , acid , and coke down the street from a school less than a block away . Jimmy went to prison for 12 years . The prosecutor forgot to file the charges on the judges daughter within the required 30 days and they had to drop the charges . I'm sure it was an honest mistake , heh . Things haven't changed much from where I stand .

  7. FBI had evidence on Hillary for having Top Secrets on her home computer but let go. So La Vegas odds say even money Hunter walks.

    1. not even even odds. hunter gets a pass from dad the day before his term is up.

  8. White wash. Same shit clintons did. Next year it will be, "oh we totally investigated that and dropped it because no evidence".

  9. Hey, when the president gets to appoint the AG...that is all you need to know about actual "justice". There isn't any. And top that off with a fuckhead named Merrick, (what kind of gay fucking name is that?) And you got a guy who has a hard on for the right-wing. So, FJB AND FAGGOT MERRICK GARLAND.

  10. Charged or not charged….
    He will still not serve 1Min.

    Go Brandon.

  11. Did anyone see the front license plate on sloJoe’s 67 corvette? A personalized plate that reads “BIGGUY”. Don’t know if it was photoshoped or not.

  12. The very unpopular Biden is making noises of running for reelection. Talking about prosecuting Hunter could be a shot across his bow telling him to just shut up and retire.

  13. And old Joe or his handlers will just assert a preemptive pardon and the charges will disappear into the wind. That is the rush to finish the investigation now before the addled dolt is so bad that they have to shuffle him off to Delaware as our "elder stateman".

  14. Hunter has been acting as a agent of a federal government sense pedo pete was VP.

  15. This is the way "they" are going to shuffle Mr. Biden off the stage. Ms. Harris' "breakdown" last week under an underpass was "them" informing her that if she doesn't do exactly what she's told when she becomes POTUS, it won't go well for her.

  16. If they were going to press charges Pedo Joe's crackhead son would already have been hooked and booked. Nothing will come from this.


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