
Friday, October 28, 2022

Please let it be an illegal, please let it be an illegal.....

Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul was violently assaulted with a hammer in their home in the early morning hours of Friday morning by a male assailant who broke in and attacked him. 

The intruder is in custody and Paul Pelosi, 82, is in hospital expected to make a full recovery, the speaker's office said.


Of course if it was an illegal, Pelosi would claim it was an evil MAGA illegal. 

You'd think that as wealthy as they are, they'd have a decent private security service and some serious security measures around the property. If I had their money, my place would look like a fortress. Actually, it would be a fortress.


  1. Probably the same guy that beat Harry Reid a few years ago........

  2. I say Paul hired the hit ... in order to get away from Nancy. Might become a regular occurrence.

    No way some random dude gets into the house of (1) a family that wealthy, and (2) a US Congresswoman. Unless they let him in.

  3. probably was drunk and fell down the stairs

  4. Does the attacker have a Go Fund Me page? Asking for a friend.

  5. Seems kind of holey to me. Most likely a message from Pelosi to Pelosi.

  6. Hahahahaha! That's exactly what I said when the wife read the Gateway Pundit headline to me. Please let him be an illegal!

  7. No ID on the perp. If it was a MAGA-hatted white man, it'd be all over the news. That tells me its an inconvenient demographic. Like a drug addicted, mentally ill black male with a 5 page wrap sheet.

    1. YUP....You took the words right out of my mouth. I was going to say the same EXACT thing. We all know full well that if it had been a Trump supporter or a registered republican, or a white christian straight man, or any of these combined adjectives, it would be all over the news, day and night, and Nancy would be drafting a bill to make criminals out of (fill in the appropriate adjectives). That tells us that the attacker is of one of the demo(n)crat protected classes.

  8. The name of the doers is in the Steele Report.
    You can count on it.

  9. LOL@ Anon comments..
    Old hag is out of town. Betcha the pimp tried to roll him.

  10. you would think the doors to be locked.

  11. It was probably Nancy in a drunken fit. When the police got involved, the call went out to "round up the usual suspects".

  12. That's my thinking too. Paul might be living on the down-low when Nancy isn't around. Picked up a homeless man for some monkeypox action and homeless guy was a little too off his medication.

    1. You may be on to something:

      "The suspect was arrested in his underwear" Also had a manifesto. Of course he did. I'm honestly surprised he wasn't wearing a MAGA hat. has some more amusing info.

  13. If he is illegal, they will grant him citizenship, bleach his skin and change his name to something Anglo by 2 pm

  14. The fact that we don't have a mug shot by this time . . .

  15. Wondering when the calls to ban hammers will start.

  16. And Joe will use this as a reason for more gun control.

  17. The attacker must be a member of a protected class, otherwise we would already know their identity. It will be memory-holed by 5 PM.

  18. The attacker was probably Nancy. Bet Paul got into her ice cream stash.

  19. Paul's been hammered before.
    No big deal.

  20. 82, attacked with a hammer, and they expect a full recovery? Suuuuuure! Here’s hoping the attacker was one of “God’s sparkling children”.

    Fuck Nancy Pelosi.

    1. Sorry Bobo, I wouldn't fuck Nancy Pelosi with YOUR dick. Don't see how anyone could.

  21. The media and others are already trying to pin this on right wingers.
    I did not know San Fran was such a MAGA stronghold. Idiots.

  22. campaign ploy? gotta stop them evil maga violent extremists, vote for dems. maybe nancy made him take one for the team as payback on the dui thing, lol. i wouldn't put nothing paste that bunch. maybe he shortchanged his hooker or boyfriend?

    1. Now that's fricken funny...hahahahahaha. nancy to paul: Now dear, there is a price you must pay for your drunken crash with your floozy. We got rid of the floozy for you and protected you in the papers...time to pay up. Now where is that hammer we stole, I mean seized from Mar-A-Lago with Trump's fingerprints on it?

  23. It's nice to start a day with some good news. Pity it wasn't even better but he's expected to be recover. SF people getting what they voted for.

  24. I'm so cynical that my very first thought was that it's a false flag incident. Nancy "volunteered" her husband. I've noticed there is no mention of burglary.

    1. Check this out: The news says they've been targeted before with red paint thrown on their garage door and a pig's head left in their driveway.
      If that happened to you, wouldn't you make sure your doors and windows were locked at all times? Wouldn't you install lights, cameras and alarms triggered by motion detectors?
      My wife is laying money on the assailant being a gay fuckboi.

  25. Now the dusty old cunt is gonna push a bill banning those evil assault hammers.

  26. proboblly one of the Clinton's third string "associates"

  27. The attacker is David Dupape of Berkeley. He's a "nude Castro protester" and hemp jewelry maker.

    1. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Right fucking on, a Berkeley liberal!!!

  28. Just another peaceful protest. I'm sure he will be released without bail. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.

  29. It's Not impossible to be Sarcastic AF and Still be right

  30. Have yet to see one bit of video or photo evidence that this actually occurred. I for one refuse to believe anything that the media says. Not one damn bit without a preponderance of evidence. Liars. The whole damn bunch are liars.

  31. It is Pelosi’s crack smoking hippie gay lover and they got carried away in their play. He lives in a hippie collective in Berkeley with a gay pride flag outside the house. Not quite a conservative. He is pretty than Nancy, but that is not saying much.


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