
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

So, a vaccine that doesn't do what a vaccine does.....

In a stunning turn of events, one of Pfizer’s top executives admitted Monday that the Pharma giant had no idea if the mRNA vaccine that Pfizer developed would prevent transmission of the coronavirus.


And how many lives were lost or affected, and how many jobs were lost because people refused to take the poison?


  1. It taught me who the enemy was.

  2. These bastards should all go to jail....

    1. Fuck jail. Cold ditch with a 45 caliber hole in the back of their heads...

    2. Too big. Let them go in still breathing with a.22 to the throat!

    3. And two .22 to the knees so they can't crawl out of said ditch...

    4. Here, here.

      Evil Franklin

  3. Well, at least I didn’t loose my job. I said fuck it and retired. Spent 31 days in quarantine last year, in Hawaii, Japan and Massachusetts. Zero shots, but they made sure I paid a price. Never again. Eod1sg Ret

    1. That's just what I did, too. But no quarantine or other associated miseries. Never submitted to a nasal rape either.

  4. On a personal note, I will always consider the fact that I never bought into the vaccine lie from day one as one of my life's greatest accomplishments.

    1. My doc asked me which notavax I got. I told him I stopped experimenting with drugs decades ago. I remain firmly in the pure blood control group.

    2. I made the decision early on to remain pure blood after watching a couple of clips from Dr. Malone. Then when they rushed through EUA, I knew that they hadn't done adequate testing to determine 1. effectiveness and 2. side effects and they STILL don't officially acknowledge that this thing is killing people, especially young people.

      Perhaps that CONgress critter whose perfectly healthy daughter died of cardiac arrest over last weekend will finally get the ball rolling.

      As others above wrote; all of them, that's several thousand people, need to hang. My take is by the haul'em up and let'em dangle method or be subject to the French method of dealing with bad government, pour encourager les autres, on the National Mall.

      Now, I read a piece yesterday indicating that the drug companies are going to convert ALL current vaccine production to mRNA technology. Like they haven't screwed this one up enough already, they're going to double down in true Demonrat fashion. I guess they're just not killing us off fast enough.

      I'm just wondering when parents of some of the kids that have been killed by the jab are going to take retribution.


    3. And just think. Our sperm is worth $400 more that sperm that's donated by some poor schlub that's fully vaxxed and boosted. Life is good.

    4. "Our sperm is worth $400 " Damn! just wasted $400. this morning.

    5. @Elmo, wait!!! Someone buys jizz? WTF… got an address or telephone number because I need some extra money.

    6. I'm down 1200 bucks over the past two days myself.

    7. Yep, and I’d rub one out for a lot less too. Just saying!

  5. no one has ever come up with a vaccine that fast. for anything. and then there was the whole EUA they gave it that just freaked me out. add on the big push for everyone to get the damn shot too. I know my history and by doing so, I do not trust any gov't assholes

    1. The lies that horse paste and hydroxychloroquine didn't work against the King Flu were required in order to get the emergency use authorization approved, because the way the laws are written is that if there is another available effective medicine, you cannot get an EUA.

      I think the .45 to the back of the head for all involved proposal may have some merit. If someone sparks off CW 2.0 don't think it would not happen, discretely.

  6. One death is a tragedy, millions is a statistic. Nobody will be charged, nobody will be held accountable. Nothing to see here, move it along.

    In a sane world, there'd be riots and lynchings and burnings right and left. But then again, in a sane world none of this would have happened.

  7. The rats are starting to leave the ship! I've even seen people twatting that nobody ever said the notVaxx wouldn't stop transmission.. lol. Lie, lie again, lie some more. Lie until you die. Never admit and never acknowledge you were duped. This is where those people are headed.

  8. I'm not saying this figuratively, I'm saying it literally. The people responsible for this should be hanged. All of them. And their enablers. All of them.

  9. My wife got us watching "Dopesick" on Nerflex. I get pissed every episode. A percentage of pharmaceutical company executives should be taken out and shot. And salespersons. And doctors who went along. And pharmacists who went along. And FDA high ups. And Congresspersons who took pharma money and held hearings and decided poor people deserved opioids just like people with money and ordered insurance companies to pay. Fire everybody at FDA.

    1. There's an ad on TV for a drug that supposedly helps with a condition one gets after being on an anti-depressant drug and after I put it together it kind of blew my mind. This is what I came to realize-

      "Are you anxious and depressed about life? We have a drug that may help.
      And when you receive a reaction to taking our mood-calming drug that gives you uncontrollable facial and body twitches we have a drug for that, too.
      If our second drug gives you another adverse reaction lets us know, and we'll put our scientists to work finding yet another prescription drug that might be of help.

      Sincerely, your friendly multinational pharmaceutical corporation. Because both we and your local doctor who prescribes our crap really do care about your health and happiness."

    2. Not to mention I’ve noticed some of the advertisements are using children to hawk their new meds. I feel if good scotch and cigarettes can’t have TV commercials, then doctor prescribed medications should not be allowed on the airwaves.


  10. Someone told me earlier that they didn't know why people were so upset about this 'because there's no way to test it.'

    I'm pretty sure some microbiologist or epidemiologist could come up with a way. And even if not, either the company or everybody from Biden down(Fauci, Birx, etc.) lied: either the company told said asshats that it would prevent transmission, or they lied about it and the companies said nothing.


  11. Fuck all the doctors, businesses that raised hell because I wouldn't swim in their swamp.

  12. The real unanswered question is how many of those "important people of science" who were shown getting the shot(s){and of whom so many got the bug at least once AFTER getting the shot} were actually getting a needle with nothing but saline in it?

    1. I have a feeling that number would be fairly high.
      One of the benefits of being 'elite'.

      Of course that high number of elites faking the public out would only include the intelligent, free thinking ones, which would actually make that number quite low.

  13. As I recall the non-transmissible feature of the so-called vaccine was one of my doc's biggest selling points. He basically said it was my duty to take the jab in order to keep others safe. My retort was, "well if they've taken the jab as you recommend, then they're safe, so what's your point"? He didn't like that come-back but fuck him.....hasn't brought it up since and I'm a PUREBLOOD!

  14. I'm sure they also had no idea that it would render women infertile and cause millions (so far) of deaths either. But here we are.

  15. My Oncologist told me not to get the jab under any circumstances. I wasn't goin to do it anyway, but he gave me a really convenient (albeit unnecessary) excuse.


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