
Monday, October 31, 2022

"We don't go for that shit around here"

A bystander drew his gun on a man accused of beating and stomping on his pregnant girlfriend outside a Publix super market, ending the “brutal” attack, Florida deputies say. 

The incident occurred around 5:15 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, in the parking lot of the Largo grocery store, according to an arrest affidavit.


  1. An armed society is a polite society.....or at least a more civil society....good on the guy who pulled the glad to live in Florida....hell, in Illinois, California, or New York, the guy would've been free to kick her to death....fuck those communist hell holes....

  2. Should have put 2 in his chest and one in his head. De santis would have given him a medal. Save the world from another useles POS.

  3. The gun owner will be arrested after the boyfriend tells the police "this was just an abortion".

  4. From the article:
    "Deputies said there was a no contact order against Danisment after his arrest on a domestic battery charge a week prior, but it did not stop his “pattern of violence” toward his girlfriend."

    "It's just a piece of paper."

  5. Let me guess, coal burner and a mud shark? (Did not see any reference to race). Anymore its not safe to insert ones self in matters none of your concern. I know it sounds hard to not rush to the defense of a “damsel in distress”, but in todays upside down world, the guy in the white hat usually gets arrested by the orcs. And that damsel is usually a POS anyway. There are even times where the damsel turns on her savior. So me I’d be like meh, let the orcs sort this one out, fook the entire lot. “Not my monkey, not my circus”

    1. I'd say the "damsel" siding with the "boyfriend" that's beating her half to death is all but guaranteed. Even and perhaps especially if she is explicitly calling for help.

      Still, I've heard that: "if you pull a gun, even if you don't fire a shot, you'd be better off (legally) just killing the bastard." Also it seems like in this case, as in most cases, it would be doing the world a favor. It's easier to defend yourself when the attacker (well, the guy pressing charges) is dead. Thoughts? I don't have an opinion either way, really.

    2. Men that beat on woman aren't men. They're cowards. Even though some women just make men crazy, not in a good way, that's no reason to be beating on them.

      This guy is going to enjoy visiting with Bubba in jail. Bubba just loves men who beat on women.


    3. My dad, a WWII combat veteran tanker, tol me long ago, “son, dead men don’t testify “.

    4. I looked him up, wondering the same, he's white. Neck tats though, always a red flag for me, no matter the race. It's not a perfect standard, but it does tend to be correct.

    5. There's a reason it's not a perfect standard.

  6. Brave citizen. Foolish but brave. Few situations are as dangerous to inject oneself into as a domestic dispute. He's lucky things didn't go south. The female could very well have decided to attack him for interfering. Irrational females tend to do that frequently.


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