
Thursday, October 06, 2022

Ya think?

COVID-19 changed a lot -- how we socialized, where we went, and even what work looked like. A new study shows the pandemic may have changed our personalities as well.


It wasn't the 'pandemic' that changed people's personalities, it was the actions taken by an overbearing government that did it.

We're basically social animals as adults and even more so as children, yet we were isolated and then quarantined. Businesses were shut down depriving people of their livelihoods, people were forced to wear masks that covered their facial expressions, extended family ties were severed, our travel was restricted, people were stressing over food shortages caused by the isolation policies, we had experimental drugs forced on us with the threat of loss of income and freedom if we didn't comply, and to top it off, you removed the faith we had in our doctors, some of the most trusted and respected individuals in our society.
No, it wasn't the so-called pandemic, it was the knee-jerk reaction by the government that caused our personalities to change.


  1. Not to mention the 'Us vs. Them' mentality that was emphasized by this administration for how people wanted to respond if they didn't conform to the "right" way of doing things...seeing it divide families, friends, schools, etc.

  2. Some of the negatives will be passed down to the next generation as well. What else will new parents be able to impart but social isolation, or at least stunted social skills? Especially the dumb ones.

  3. You nailed this one, wirecutter. You got it exactly right.

  4. It wasn't a knee-jerk reaction by the government. It was an intentional act.

  5. For me, personally, I disagree. I've always either been drunk, or a loner, in a bar. SInce the late 2000s, I've been in a work from home job. The number of people I've talked to in person in the last 15 years, outside of convenience and grocery store clerks and bank tellers is probably fewer than ten, and I don't care. I don't have any problems holding a conversation with the people in line ahead of me.

  6. R vs. K if you dont know what I mean,

    Steve in KY

  7. We have a condo in Charleston and a marsh house on Coosaw Island outside on Beaufort (Both SC). The majority of our milieu ain't vaxxecd, as are most of the tourists. We don 't see this behavior. Dr Naomi Prins just had a great post on ZeroHedge that agrees with you.

    I think that a lot of why we are is that out prevailing winds come from the east and flush chemtrails inland. And away from our Beaufort neighbor, Parris Island.

  8. Tip of the was not the wuflu it was government and medical community reactions. That was just one aspect of the coordinated effort to sow dissension and hatred. Resist by simply being kind to those you meet in person every day.

  9. My confidence in our current Healthcare system is ZERO. A majority of providers (but more importantly, their support staff) bought into the entire "woke" line of thinking. And will gladly treat you like shit if they believe you are a wrong thinker. At this point I'm notorious in my local system as being the guy who will get up and leave without saying a word if you piss me off. I'm done with these fucks. Keep me waiting too long, I walk. Fuck with me about not being vaxxed, I walk. Make a snide comment or in any way disrespect me, I walk. And it is fucking hilarious when they call and ask why. I'm not fucking with these people. I am the customer and I am paying for a service. These people arent doing me any favors.I remind them of that and then I remind them of professional behavior and then tell them I'm advising the insurance company that services weren't rendered and not to pay. My problem is that I worked in Healthcare for a few years so I know what it was vs what it is today. It's a shame, but you cannot trust these people to be professionals any more. In the hospitals it's all woke all the time as they've been brainwashed by their exposure to "academia".

    The universities need to be purged of the homosexual communists infesting their systems. Nothing changes until you shut down the production line.

  10. My trust in the Medical community has been forever shattered. They've been lying to us for over three years and show no sign of stopping.


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