
Monday, October 03, 2022

Yeah well, when you live in a throwaway society...

TRUMANN, Ark. (KAIT) – According to the Trumann Police Department, a woman has been arrested and three dogs have been seized after they received a report of animal cruelty from concerned witnesses.

Officers dispatched to the scene arrested Bethany Hamilton, 28, of Trumann, and charged her with Aggravated Animal Cruelty.

This comes after officers said the landlord reported four living dogs in the residence in bad shape, and a second witness reported that Hamilton told him “[sic] there was dead dogs in the trash cans outside the house.”


  1. Replies
    1. Scary or not, there still is some loonie out there that would tap that.

    2. Beauty is only a light switch (and a six pack) away.

  2. I guarantee her parents were at least first cousins.



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