
Thursday, November 10, 2022

1.3 million Americans ration insulin amid high drug prices in US, study shows

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - A new study reveals insulin users may be doing risky things with their supplies due to current economic conditions. 

The study, published on Oct. 18 in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, found that more than one million Americans feel the need to stretch their diabetes supplies due to the high costs and lack of access to the medication.


  1. My daughter has been a type one diabetic since she was six. It’s frustrating to see how little attention insulin-dependent people get. I think there’s a cure for all of this but there’s no money in it for the government or drug companies. They should be ashamed of themselves for putting all these people at risk every day like they do. She’s 32 today and still dealing with the insulin pump and everything it entails. Got these people some slack. Insulin keeps them alive.

    1. A friend of ours has had tremendous success cutting out all carbs and going keto. It sucks not being able to eat what you want, but it does drop or eliminate your dependence on insulin.

    2. A follow up to my earlier comment. My daughter does a great job in caring for her diabetes. All the correct things done. It’s just the cost.

    3. But let's make sure the sexually confused get whatever they want, huh?


  2. Take care with the pump and change sites frequently. Scar tissue from sites may occur and prevent proper dosing of insulin.

  3. If they can pass out FREE Narcan to druggies that over-dose. Then there is no reason that insulin and epipens are so expensive.
    That said, I'm a type 2 diabetic, and the single biggest thing any diabetic, no matter what type they are, can do is cut their carb count as low as they can. Don't make your body need insulin in the first place. The absolute worst advice I got in the beginning was the ADA diet plan for diabetics. That diet is full of carbs. It is one glucose spike after another. Richard K. Bernstein, M.D., wrote a book on how he handles not only his own diabetes but treats his patients with low-carb plus exercise to keep the need for insulin as low as possible. I can't sustain his level of carbohydrate control, but I have cut carbs to the point I don't need near as much medical intervention as I did in the beginning.

    1. The reason that insulin prices are so i is greed in corporations and malfeasance by the government. One of my best friends died of her diabetes and I'll never forgive any of them.

    2. The marriage of actual healthcare and health insurance is the root of the problem. People seem to look at healthcare as something that others pay for and that they consume, which is a marxist attitude. The introduction of and widespread acceptance of health insurance is the reason hospitals charge $8.00 for an aspirin. The fact that the drug companies, the medical practitioners, and the insurance all get to profit excessively over something that should simply be market priced, and the continued stupidity of the average American who demands that someone else pay for this leads us straight to government involvement. Government controlled "free" healthcare is marxism folks. I have never understood that attitude of modern people who insist in living in the biggest house they can mortgage and have 2 financed BMW's in the driveway but look at paying out of pocket for care and drugs as unreasonable. Doctors used to barter their services in the community at market rates when we were still a nation of free men.

  4. Gotta love health care costs ever since the government got involved in health insurance don't you folks? Rhetorical question. Human insulin we use in vet med for cat's and dogs used to cost between 20-30 per bottle and will last several months. Now it's over 200 dollars. We use Walmart's generic (Novolin), but like everything that is Walmart, shit isn't predictably effective so it's a risk. But many pet owners have no other choice.

  5. Fill the void with Jolly Ranchers. I know 2 diabetic people who have

  6. The extortionist pricing of insulin is one of countless reasons why I want national healthcare, just like our national freeways and national military. Profit shouldn't exist in healthcare and research will chase the grant dollars. I would also be happy with a dual system of public and private options as is the way in may fields.

    People shouldn't have to travel in groups to Canada to buy their insulin. People shouldn't have to live in fear of not having enough of a lifesaving medicine due to money. Money shouldn't be required to live on the earth and I think we will one day be charged for the very air we breath. We will literally rent X number of breaths per month.

    When I use the word national, I mean ONE people; not one country with countless peoples serving their own interests or the interests of their own homelands (ex, China). We can't have nice things again until we secure that border and deport, deport, deport.

    - Arc

  7. Double edged sword. I saw the line above no one should profit off healthcare.

    What about food? It's essential to life. Of course govt giving away cell phones bc "necessary"... then there is free sex change for prisoners & illegals get medicare, free housing on & on infinitum = govt monopolies & price fixing = socialism = communism = certain demise of our nation (prove me wrong by naming 3 countries thriving under communism)

    OTOH reward for innovation, creation, invention is what has fueled our democracy & nation. Capitalism in truest form is best system of exchange. What we have - does have its faults as do all systems regulated into not being a free exchange but a quasi-free markets...

    It takes a billion $ to get a drug to market - is that proper? How much testing is enough? Too many regulations?

    I know insulin is old drug but successful drug's profits are used for R&D, fueling new discoveries. How much is too much profit? Apple corp has 45% profit margins while grocery stores around 5%

    Always a trade off. Supply & demand dictate price ECON101. Affect one of these, watch the other 2 react.


  8. Another thing you can thank Bribem for. He rescinded a Trump order to reduce the cost of insulin and epi pens week one of his administration.

  9. and yet there is no shortage of funding for Ukraine. billions.


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