
Monday, November 28, 2022

Commentary: Majority of American Voters Rightly Concerned About Vote Fraud

Watching the news, you’d be led to believe that vote fraud doesn’t exist in the United States. Since the election on November 8, news article after news article has simply dismissed any claims of vote fraud as “baseless” (New York Times and CNN) and “without evidence” (NPR, New York Times, and Washington Post). Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is lambasted for “stoking fears on mail-in ballots.” And the news coverage was no different after the 2020 election.


  1. I had never considered vote buying to be a realistic concern due to the massive numbers of people it would necessarily have to involve. I also thought the secret ballot was introduced to prevent retaliation by the winning party if you had not voted for them. I DO believe there is massive voter fraud occurring in key states/districts (not wide-spread) to keep the Demoncrats in office. I REFUSE to believe that the majority of the people in this country are that stupid that they keep electing these evil people. I highly respect the people of Tennessee that they would actually take up arms over this very situation (see Athens War, 1946) and hope that more Americans will do likewise when necessary.

  2. The gop leadership are democrats too. So you will not hear a squeak from them either.

  3. yeah, about that. funny as this past election was the first time here we had to wait in a line to vote. and also the fact that everyone was pissed and bitching about the price of fuel.
    heating oil, gas and god damn diesel ! there where even a lot of old folks there with their walkers going to vote. funny how a few of them where saying how it now become a waste of time with the mail in ballot bullshit.
    although a lot of people where wondering why Trump backed OZ instead of a much better person Kathy Burnet (?) a lot of people where thinking it a TV thing with Trump.
    another thing, if you drive around here, you find 20 or more OZ signs for everyone you find for uncle fester !
    until this country starts to act like Barzil and get in the streets, nothing is going to change.

  4. They don't need our votes or taxes.
    Do not comply.

  5. Those who cheat will always say that they didn't. Until they lose, then they blame the other party.

  6. Once officials start stripping away the protections that ensure that ballots have been properly vetted before being accepted, once this starts happening then one must assume that ballot tampering is the goal. The thing about voter fraud of this nature, is this: It's not difficult to prove; it's impossible to prove, because our ballots are anonymous, and once allowed into the system, all ballots are equal. People that take this approach, arguing that there is no widespread vote fraud because there aren't hundreds of court cases, are arguing in bad faith.

    1. You have hit the nail on the head with this comment. The fact the courts would not address the obvious and blatant illegal changes due to the plague is the other side of the coin.

    2. Americans are too corrupt for anything other than an in-person dyed purple finger voting method. Like any other corrupt 3rd world country. The highest ideals are convenience and safety, and mail-in ballots are convenient. Most Americans will never accept going back to in-person voting.
      Pretending there's 2 parties and waving the red or blue jersey proud is an outcome of a sports obsessed culture. Winners take all in sportsball and nobody whose team wins will care if there was cheating.
      We need to end the failed Federal govt. with *all* it's handout programs and break into multiple nations ala the old Soviet Union.

  7. Its passed time to be civil with these people.
    New protest movement: no banners, slogans, icons, anything. March in circles around congress and the white house carrying pitchforks and 13-foot long lengths of rope. Say nothing.
    Nothing republican, democrat, liberal, nothing. No causes, banners, or signs of any kind. Let ALL of them know we will start getting old school if they keep fucking around. Bonus points if someone could bring a boiling vat of pitch and some feathers and set it up in front of the Washington Monument.

  8. Kari got fucked but not in a good way.

    1. I knew she was going to get fucked but watching it play out made me sick.

      No sense alarming the creeps that watch the comment sections of blogs like this but if you've ever read Unintended Consequences, you know where my head is at.

  9. So people believe there's no vote fraud going on?

    How is that Maricopa County cameras monitoring vote counting locations "went dark" in the wee hours of November 9th?

    How is it that NH Senator Maggie Hassan received 1100 votes in a town that has 700 residents?

    How is that the AZ secretary of state, Katie Hobbs who was running for Governor, who didn't campaign and refused to debate her opponent, was allowed to remain in charge of the election there?

    Just wait for the run off election results in GA. Warnock will be re-elected in a land slide despite the fact that he's dirtier than the ground he walks on.

    But hey, our elections are free and fair.


    P.S. Epstein didn't kill himself.

  10. They don't even bother hiding it anymore. Courts won't do anything. Getting time for box 4.

  11. I can tell you firsthand how mail-in voting lends itself to mass fraud. I serve papers for a sheriffs department. The judges recently got the bright idea that they would have us serve jury duty subpoenas. These are based on “current” voter registration information. My entire division probably returns 80-85% of them because the people either haven’t lived there in years or they’re dead.

  12. Yet more evidence that secondary and tertiary education are naught but indoctrination centers for the radical Left:

    " The highest-paid individuals and those with graduate school educations are the most concerned about making it 'easier for everybody to vote'. Those who didn’t complete high school and high school graduates were the most concerned about fraud."


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