
Tuesday, November 08, 2022

February? FEBRUARY???

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California's COVID-19 state of emergency will be terminated at the end of February, Gov. Gavin Newsom's administration announced on Monday.

Newsom administration officials said Monday's announcement was meant to give state and local government and businesses across California time to prepare.


  1. Prepare for what?
    What exactly is involved in preparing for lifting of superflous, arbitrary restrictions?

    1. They are still muzzling themselves there en masse.

  2. " to employ moving forward, California is ready to phase out this tool.” ", The only tool that California needs to phase out is Gov.Newscum. Unfortunately the votes of the cityots cancel out the votes 2:1 of the people trying to live a normal life in this shithole.

  3. Fascinating how these bureaucrats can predict when a boogeyman virus will decide to stop infecting people. The orders were apparently sunset, expiring in February, but they don't really want to give up power and thus making attempts to code these abuses into law.

    - Arc

  4. Prepare for the pandemic trials!

  5. Time to prepare for what?

  6. OMG! I certainly hope that Dr. Barbara Ferrer's $600,000 a year job (Director of L.A. County Department of Public Health, PhD in Social Welfare) isn't in jeopardy!!! She cares so deeply about the taxpayers who fund her $48,000 per month direct deposits into her bank account!


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