
Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Just when you thought you've heard it all

A man in Norway is sparking outrage on social media after he was sympathetically interviewed about his decision to begin identifying as a disabled woman. 

On October 28, Good Morning Norway (God Morgen Norge, GMN) aired an interview with Jørund Viktoria Alme, 53, an able-bodied male who now identifies as a disabled woman. In the interview, Alme stated that he had always wished he had been born a woman who was paralyzed from the waist down.


  1. The government announced that the sheet of toilet paper sent to him every month identifies as a welfare check.

    1. Why that's very ableist of you. You need to check your "able privilege", and support this poor disabled woman. She is stunning and brave.

  2. I think this is hilarious. Satirical, but they can't call it out as such without bringing out how ridiculous everyone else's 'gender dysphoria' is...


    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

  3. I am thinking that when I retire, I will transition from a 5'9" 200+ white male to a 7', very athletic, African-American and then sue the hugely-Woke NBA for discriminating against me.

  4. He should have gone full Monty: A disabled, lesbian otherkin...

  5. I'll see your transgender and raise you a cripple.

  6. Be careful what you wish for.

    Guess something got lost in translation since apparently he is paralyzed from the neck up.


  7. Prolly related to, and same genetic material as, Greta Tunberg. I forecast a Nobel prize in his/her/it's future. Or better yet, just stop it from wasting O2.

  8. Pretending to be something you are not is called acting or psychosis. Pretending everyone else is the problem is a progressive democrat problem. All of these have a common central point which all of these peoples share an ability to be everything but civil and moral.


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