
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Resistance Is Necessary

The teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in classrooms across America has raised the ire of parents—and for good reason. CRT’s principal claim is that America is systemically racist and incapable of racial justice. It is a wholesale ideological assault on the American experiment and rejects our founding principles—namely, that “all men are created equal” and should be treated as such under the law. Its ubiquity concerns parents, specifically, and citizens, generally, who object to this vision.


  1. Affirmative Action is systemic racism which should be ended immediately.

  2. Join your local school board!

  3. I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed leftist.....

  4. 'bout time we started hitting back - good and hard!

  5. easy fix, take your rug rats out of the schools. then stop paying your school taxes. See how that works for you. then the power of the state will crush your fookin existence, take away all you hold dear and you will see that you are a slave on plantation FUSA. stop bitchin about them and remind your enemies about the laws of physics.

  6. Everyone talks a big game until this crap or Drag Queen shows for 5yr olds come up then they are back to watching football or something.

    1. And what exactly have you done? Go ahead, Mr Anon - I'm listening.

    2. Oh, he's lurking in the electronic jungle, moving around like a keyboard commando. Probably has an elevator from the basement in his mom's house.

    3. He's been here before, always criticizing, never contributing anything worthwhile. He's what we refer to as a whiney li'l bitch.

  7. The foreign rulers that own America (now), had best be... more circumspect. It wasn't that many years ago, that the foreign rulers who owned America (then), undertook first public school, thence private housing, racial integration. At the barrels of guns. Paid for by Americans. The resulting backlash, which overthrew... What? What are you pædotrannys giggling about?

  8. All are created and treated equally under the law.....unless you are a billionaire, congress critter, or a pedophile supplying access to all of the above....I give you the Clintons and Pelosis as first and prime examples....oh, and can't forget the Bidens...just a few of the myriad of incidents where the myth of equal justice is destroyed...


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