
Monday, November 28, 2022


Some of Taylor Swift’s fans want you to know three things: They’re not still 16, they have careers and resources and, right now, they’re angry. That’s a powerful political motivator, researchers say. 

Look what Ticketmaster made them do.


  1. I would like to comment on this, but low hanging fruit and all, you know?

  2. Taylor Swift sucks......

    1. We have thick skin and nothing to lose! That fan comment says a lot.
      Paul J

  3. "U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez directed Swifties to where they could make U.S. Department of Justice complaints. Multiple state attorneys general — including in Pennsylvania and Tennessee, key states in Swift’s origin story — have announced investigations."

    You have to be shitting me, the feds at the behest of airhead AOC, and states' attorneys general are getting their greasy paws into "investigations." How about investigating Hunter Biden, "The Big Guy," the $billions that disappeared from the Ukrainian aid and ended up laundered through Bitcoin and financing the Dems in the midterm election, to name a few of the top ones.

    1. At least you have priorities.

      One might think the border invasion, Vaxx megadeath, or the fuckening of the transportation/energy/food systems might have made the list.

      The only solution is voting for the right people who will definitely this time do the things they say they will do if they get voted in and definitely not legitimize red flag laws and get buttsex legalized in an African country and push vaccines.

  4. With all the evil going on in our world RIGHT NOW! and this is all they have to be upset about? These people are the enemy. And Fuck Joe Biden

  5. Indeed...the KTSFC will not be dissed, Anonymous!

  6. Oh the governments all up in arms
    Over ticket sales for a teen star but real problems like illegal aliens, fentanyl, rising crime rate, inflation, died suddenly, crooked ass politicians grifting the american tax payer no big deal huh. This is how you know its all planned

  7. Shit is starting to get serious. Swift herself said the ordeal "really pisses me off." Democrats need to do an investigation into Donald Trump's involvement.

  8. KTSFC FOR LIFE!!! I will not stand for this outrage! I'm not 46 anymore and I have a job and a pickup truck and I'm freaking angry!!!!!

  9. As I posted elsewhere, why did Swift not do what other big artists usually do when there is unprecedented demand for their shows and open up more dates? She is not without some harm in this BS.
    Maybe we should go back to the old days when you had to physically wait in line for days to get tickets?

  10. Reaction is all about organizing women for a specific political feeling. Don't need any thinking, just "I feel that..." I have never heard a song by Taylor Swift. Is she a cousin of the Dixie Chicks?


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