
Thursday, November 03, 2022

Why the fate of Medicare and Social Security is a midterm issue

The fate of Social Security and Medicare is back in the spotlight less than two weeks before the midterms.

The White House and Democrats have made both entitlements central to their closing pitch to voters, sounding the alarm that a Republican majority in the House would look to cut programs that millions of Americans rely on in a bid to reduce spending. 


  1. Couple of observations: First off, the premise is bullshit on it's face. Both parties know better than to fuck with seniors, since they're the most reliable voting demographic in the country. Second, any 'adjustments' made by Republicans to these types of entitlements would be directed to the freebies given illegal aliens, not those that paid into the system. Fearmongering or pandering: that's the Democrat way.

    1. not those that [were robbed to finance] the system


  2. Medicare/Social Security are tools the criminals in power use to drag the elderly around by their nose politically. As long as that reality exists both programs are relatively safe. But with the advent of "mail in voting", ballot harvesting and Dominion Voting Systems the left no longer truly needs the senior citizen votes. Thus if they think they can get away with stealing FICA/Medicare taxes and not provide those benefits that is what they will do.

  3. The only ones talking about it are Democrats, so I'm rating this a D for Democrat Desperation.

    1. It's the same thing I've heard every other year of my adult life.
      "If you vote for those Republicans, you're going to lose your Social Security."

    2. Yep. What Rick said. "The republicans are going to get rid of SS and medicare" You can damn near set your watch by it.

  4. Cheap Shot out of desperation.

  5. I wonder if any of the high 6-figure saleried + payoffs over 65 politicos of either party dip into the SS well or refuse to take the meager sum on principal.

    1. I don't think you can use politician and principle in the same sentence, its a rule or something.

  6. They always do this when they're gonna get creamed. No Republican I've ever met has bitched about Medicare or Social Security. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was Clinton who said they might have to start means-testing Social Security.

    And every time they threaten we will run out of money for these, the people bark them down with, "Put back the money you've stolen from those programs!" and then they shut up.


  7. Traditionally, it hasn't been Republicans who always seem to want to "borrow" SS funds "because all that money's just sitting there and won't be touched for decades."

  8. Screw the assholes that want to cut SS. You FORCED me into that Ponzi scheme when I started working on the books some 50 years ago. Now it's time to pay up.

  9. I have a feeling that SS is insolvent. They are saying 2032, but whatever. In any case, they either cut benefits at some point or they'll drive inflation much worse than we have now. Tough decisions by both parties are upon them and it's only getting worse.

    1. But neither side will make the tough decisions; they'll just put a band-aid on it to get past the next election cycle and kick the can down the road to our grandkids.

  10. More scare. Talked with a 81 year old former school teacher at the range today. His main gripe was inflation. He wants government to stop wasting money. Medicare is one program that is off the rails right now. it is paying out 2-4 times what it takes in and that will not be sustainable. I would not vote for a democrat on a bet.

    1. Me neither; I learned my lesson about that with Jimmah Cahtuh.

  11. Why doesn't Welfare ever run out of money? Means test that DNC

    1. SS/Medicare are NOT entitlements - we paid into them. Welfare and food stamps are "entitlements" that have been abused for years.

  12. That's a stupid argument on the face of it - it would only be considered for more than a few seconds by stupid people. The way that politicians cut entitlements is to cut them for the people in the future, not now. That's precisely the way they've been gutting Social Security for years. You keep the status quo so the people that are getting the benefit don't holler. You quietly change the terms for people retiring 10 years from now, because right now they don't give a crap about Medicare and SS, they're still too busy working their butt off and paying the taxes they don't realize just got jacked up, for their future reduced benefits.

  13. The only actual cut to either program that I've heard passed was part of ObamaCare and the Democrats promised to cut medicare by $100,000,000. Of course, the cuts were "future" cuts that never actually occurred. But it was Democrats who passed it.

  14. Walked into a packed Social Security office in Portland. At least an hour wait. I was the only American in the waiting area. All the rest were waiting to sign up for SS even though they never paid a dime into the system. Oh, one more thing. 90% of the cars in the parking lot were worth more than mine. The SS employee who helped me was Russian.

  15. Strange how SNAP, EBT, Medicaid, Section 8, Foreign Aid and billions in social services for illegals never come close to being in jeopardy isn't it?
    - WDS

  16. The statement mailed to me from SSA in 2017 compared to same statement from SSA in 2007 showed my monthly would be $214 LESS even though I had ten years more in earnings.

    Congress plays with SS as if it is their own slush money. This is MY, and YOURS, money. Why we haven't hung those bastards by now is beyond me.

  17. How about cutting the trillions in foreign aid that's been doled out over the bout ceasing the support of the about stopping funding foreign wars....Social Security? Welfare and aid to illegals first....


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