
Thursday, November 03, 2022

Yeah, right

LANSING, Mich. (FOX 2) - From the streets of Detroit to the woods of the Upper Peninsula, it may seem as if residents in Michigan can't agree on much. But a new statewide survey shows that a majority of citizens are in favor of more stringent gun control.


  1. I don’t believe it!

  2. amazing how we've allowed pollsters to become a major agent for social change

  3. My mother’s family from Michigan. I’m calling BS on this.

  4. unless I see the exact question and the demographic of those questioned, I dont give any weight to these surveys.

    1. This. Except for my time in the military I've lived in Michigan my whole life and I know damn few people who say we need more gun laws.

    2. The British captured it in their "Yes Minister" series. It depends entirely on how you phrase the question:

      Phil B

  5. I can imagine the following survey question: "do you want less crime?".
    Adds one to "wants gun control" tally.

  6. This is pure bullshit. Guns are flying off the shelves; ranges are crowded...ARs are everywhere.... I'm betting the sample crowd is from liberal/commie population concentrations. More gun control my aching butt!

  7. I lived there for five years. I’m going to have to throw the bullshit flag on that one. Even the darkest of Detroit was pro gun. Da mayor, Coleman Young, didn’t think it would be right to disarm the citizens, as they had the right to self defense just like everyone else. (Tuskegee Airman), old time democrat who actually liked the people he served. Just my two cents. Eod1sg Ret

  8. I live in northern Michigan. Totally false up here. Was the survey taken in Ann Arbor?

  9. I live in Michigan. This is BS

  10. I live in northern Michigan and I don't see this. But if you poll college towns, Marquette in the U.P. Lansing, Ann Arbor your going to get the answer you see on this poll.

  11. My sister lives in the UP, Up North and this poll is total dumbocrap bullshit

  12. Another faux pseudopoll carefully curated and manipulated to produce the desired "results".

  13. I am on the far western side, right on Lake Michigan. From the people that I ever have spoken with, none have ever been asked a poll question. But they all are not in favor of any more gun control moves, instead they favor of the repeal of many of those already in place.

  14. It is a Gaslighting.

    MSM of all variants is Gaslighting this theme. I am NOT in Michigan, closer to Michocan than Detroit, but its going on here also. Remember, my friends, learn to drive a rifle like your life depends on it. It will soon enough.

  15. People that are unable to define woman are not qualified to discuss common sense and or gun control

  16. Lifelong Michigander here -- this is BS. There is a huge gun culture and hunting tradition here, except in a few uber-liberal towns that the rest of us would like to disown.

  17. Nope, all the shitlibs I know are in favor of open carry staying legal ( Detroit area)


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