
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

82 years for a 22 minute asswhipping

HOUSTON - A Pearland man was sentenced after he and another woman brutally beat and sexually assaulted a man in a bar.

Felix Vale, 38, was sentenced to 82 years in prison after he and Ariel Cordoba, 31, beat a 49-year-old man unconscious and then continued to assault him afterward at a bar in northwest Harris County on Feb. 17, 2021.


  1. Neck and face tattoos.

    Defiant mugshot.

    Absolute savagery.

    They should hang this swine.

    1. The male also has neck tattoos.
      But the male lacks her face tattoos, so there is that.

  2. Just shoot the two pieces of shit and save us all...
    Seriously, I got no beef if you find reason enough to deck someone... but KO'd on the ground? You're still beating him? For 30 minutes? Steal his wallet, stuff something up his bum? All while he's knocked the fuck out?
    These vermin do not deserve to walk among us, truly, they're not fit for society.

    1. Get some use out of them..... hog slop.

  3. Pity drawing and quartering are no longer used. In exceptional cases of violence such as this, this punishment would fit the crime.

  4. Yeah, but but but ... Diversity is our strength?

    1. I remember someone saying “ they’re not sending us their best and brightest” and being ridiculed for it. He was right, as usual.

  5. Anons are way too kind to those scum. Give the victim first right of refusal to beat them with what ever he wants. If he passes, then next of kin gets the opportunity. If they pass, then a lottery for punishment delivery. To death.
    Tree Mike

  6. Harvest their organs with only conscious sedation to pay for the victim’s medical bills…

  7. WTF is up with the masks? Doing their best to Florida my Houston, this bar isn't too far from my home.

  8. What were the other bar patrons doing all that time? Does no one intercede on other's behalf anymore. Thank God I still live out in the country where something like this would last 1 minute before other's broke it off.

  9. Kill the fucker.. My motivation is purely economic, not revenge fueled. Tax payers don't need to spend 50 grand a year to support the shit head.

  10. Why not permanent internal exile? Nobody ever watch escape from New York? Obviously an need for some discretion?, but there out to be some small town that can be walled in and the scum from the entire nation dropped in and permitted to live with their rules without us paying for any guards except for perimeter.

  11. If you really wanted to send a message, cut the guy’s junk off and cut the cunt’s tits off. No medical aid.

  12. I guess saying it was all in good fun doesn't work here?

    Now the fucker gets to live on our dime for 40 or 50 years? Screw that. Take him out back and...

  13. "Another woman"? Was the guy a trannie? Was there a third assailant, also female, who isn't mentioned? Or was the writer an idiot? I ask, you decide.


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