
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Dogs killed by deputies doing a warrantless search

A McMinn County deputy killed two dogs while violating a family's Constitutional rights during a warrantless search of their home, which turned out to be the wrong home, a federal lawsuit claims. 

On April 4th of this year, Milo and Alladin were sleeping in a bedroom at a home on the 200 block of County Road 675 in Athens, close to their owners.


  1. It’s us common people and our families against them. And them prove it more and more every day. And the way it reads is the deputy opened the window. Wrong house and two dead dogs. Imagine if a child or an adult had been in the line of fire. Never trust a fucking sheriff or cop.

    1. Yes.
      This is why I have the attitude I do about cops. Are there good ones and are there orcs like this? You bet! But so long as you're going to pull shit like this..? Fuck you.
      If you're not going to rat out the bad ones? Quit. Go find another job, or be prepared to eat a bullet one day.

  2. Pretty much done with the “thin blue corrupt line” & I was skeerd for me life, so pew,pew,pew at dogs & people, plus wrong address / no knock crap. I have never needed a cop and never will. Corrupt bois in blue just look like a row of targets to me. Looks like the blow back just got started in Aussie land, not-a-vax die off starting to ramp up there. When it starts here I won’t shed a tear - blue badge govt thugs is all you guys are, rot in hell.

  3. My dogs are family members.

    Kill them at your peril.

    1. I agree. You mess with me and I'll fight back. You mess with my dogs and they won't find your body.

  4. The cops are not on our side.....

    1. The have two primary duties, protect the elite, the corrupt, and the criminals....from us....oh, and make sure taxes are paid up.

  5. Shoot my animals…
    Shoot my kids…
    Best shoot me dead.

    Some good ol’fashioned revenge…
    At least in this house

  6. If a human retreats beyond a dog's limits, the dog usually will stop. Or, as the Army trained -- If a dog attacks you, give it an arm, turn it sideways and grab its throat, applying such force as
    necessary. From experience, it works.

  7. Well, let's review shall we?

    Police side. Wrong house, no warrant, opened a window.

    Victim/homeowner side. You know their names, deal with it.

  8. Sounds like it may be time for another " Battle of Athens Tennessee" . Seems to be a long line of corrupt law enforcement in Tennessee .

  9. The days of Officer Krupke are over. Now they're all Hermann Goering advocates who has been quoted as saying: "I don't have to worry about Justice; my mission is only to destroy and to exterminate, nothing more".

  10. In the future, anyone in a uniform will be a target....

  11. Help me to understand something . If a police dog attacks me and I kill it , it is treated like I killed a full on cop up to and including prosecution for harming a L.E.O. and sometimes even big funeral for officer Fluffy , . But , if the cops kill my dog THEN its nothing ? Fuck em and their double standard.

  12. If a cop killed my dogs, I wouldn't bother to respond. Instead, I'd fix a bag of popcorn and then watch my wife go full medieval on the poor bastards. Woe unto them.

    But yeah, the story as told is full of holes and self-contradicting. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. It'd be interesting to see them release the body camera footage.

  13. Shoot at my dogs they better have level 4 body armor on. I don't care who the fuk they are, there WILL be return fire.

  14. The further I am away from humans, the better off I am. Most of what I read in the news really sucks. I do have to go to the store every week, check the mail, get water, get gas food and beer. I'm so grateful to get back home where I'm far away from all of these power hungry idiots.

  15. If you are in the police department you should decide two things, 1) are you a police officer or are you a Law Enforcement Officer. 2) If you see a brother officer commit a crime, they are no longer a brother officer they are a criminal. I have known both police officers and LEOs doesn’t take long to tell the difference.

    1. Well said, JFM. For me, step one in reforming the police agencies is to stop calling them law enforcement officers.

  16. Sometimes the "Defund the Police" types have a point

  17. The story was updated.

    Not a wrong house.
    Dogs jumped out the window.
    Cops didn't enter.

    On body cam per the PO statement abt the lawsuit.

    the truth is out there.


    1. If the cops hadn't been there, the dogs would have been fine. No warrant! They shouldn't have been there. It's doesn't change anything copsucker.


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