
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the Music!

-WiscoDave, Senior Vice President, KTSFC



  1. Didn't you guys think she was a snowflake????

    1. Mort, you ignorant slut. We Swifties worship the ground she walks on and greatly look forward to her line of vagina scented candles!

  2. Critical praise? I get the critical part but not the praise thing.

  3. The good news is she will keep having them and eventually die. That is unless the gods do their thing and take her early. Today would be a good day for that.

    1. December 14, 1989 would have been a better day.

  4. She should have Lee Greenwood's baby.

    And sell the sextape to TMZ.

  5. this is the woman thousands of citizens listen to before casting their vote... someone who has made a career of singing about all the bad choices she has made....

  6. Replies
    1. If you meant Sexy, Kindhearted, Altruistic, Nice, Kosher she is the skankiest skank that ever skanked! Should we put you down for a renewable membership or do wish to go directly with the lifetime?

    2. I'm sorry to disagree with you, but if you were going to talk about the skankiest skank, you are forgetting someone who outskanks them all. Miley Cyrus!!!

  7. Personally, I'd rather listen to nails on the old chalk board, but she Is cute.

  8. I wouldn't recognize any song she's performed. There's only one solution: From now until her very latest CD or DVD, the grocery money is invested in all productions by Tay-tay.

  9. Don’t listen to her, don’t watch her on TV, I can live without the bit-h.

  10. I don't listen to her. I prefer actual country music; as sung by the all time greats: Hank Williams Sr, Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and the artists that shaped their style and mentored then. That's country music.

  11. taylor swift, popularizing the sound of a bobcat with a grappling hook tipped dildo up it's ass for some 20 years now. It's clear enough why no one ever won betting on the public to have good taste. Not even worth a fuck and chuck (as evidenced by the number of dudes who have done just that with her, and had a 'song' written about them). Now that her youth is slipping away, her sex appeal won't be far behind. Speaking of behind, damn does she have a flat ass.

    So, was that trollish enough to rustle the jimmies? Go ahead, be honest. I was going for rustling of the jimmies.

  12. More importantly it is Uncle Ted,s 74 th. birthday.

    1. Huh?

      He turns 81 on May 22nd! Send cards, he's still in Colorado!

  13. Never heard of her.

  14. Who? Oh, the entitled,leftist, moderately-talented celebrity shill that pushes her crappy love life on the world and makes a fortune doing it.............Never hear of her.


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