
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Well, so much for that promising career

WARREN COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — A deputy in Warren County is facing a DUI charge following his arrest over the weekend. 

On Saturday, Cory Cannon was involved in a single-vehicle accident in the Rock Island community. In a press release Tuesday, the Warren County Sheriff’s Office said that Cannon was off-duty at the time of the crash. 


  1. We had a local lad who upon his return from a successful completion of a course in law enforcement and a job as a County Deputy, got picked up for drunken driving on his way home from the course. He's now an assistant jailer. He's also the one when younger pretended to shoot at a flock of geese flying overhead. One of the geese dropped a load that hit the little read head on the forehead whereupon the local wag said "nice shot shithead". Can't make this stuff up.

  2. I wonder if he self-performed the breathalyzer test.


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