
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Commentary: The Fake, and Real, Domestic Terrorists

To hear the government tell it, a homeless guy who lived in the dilapidated basement of a vacuum repair shop with no running water is as much a danger to society as was Timothy McVeigh and the Tsarnaev brothers. 

Adam Fox, according to the U.S. attorney for the Western District of Michigan, should spend the rest of his life in prison for conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. After a jury could not reach a verdict in Fox’s case last April, the Department of Justice retried Fox and his remaining co-defendant Barry Croft, Jr. in August; both men were found guilty the second time around.


  1. Domestic terrorist would be the individual and conglomerate extra constitutional alphabet soup.

  2. Dear jurys; Do not acquit. Find for not guilty. Do not acquit.

    1. The jury has three choices: guilty, not guilty, and not agreeing on a verdict, also known as a hung jury. Acquitted is another way of saying "found not guilty". The problem here is the jury did not reach a verdict, so double jeopardy does not apply, and the prosecutor can retry the case.

    2. Jim_R, you forgot jury nullification which basically means the court proved him guilty but we're gonna let him go.

    3. But isn't that just finding the defendant not guilty, ignoring the fact that the court proved it's case? You don't have to explain to the court why you found for not guilty, do you?

    4. Basically, but I'd imagine its best use would be for a case where the guy's guilty as hell and everybody knows it, he may have even admitted doing it, but the jury figures he was justified no matter what the law says.

  3. So these knuckleheads were terrorists, by definition. Yet the people threatening the Supreme Court Justices at their own homes, with the consent of Biden's Department of Injustice, were simply patriotic citizens exercising their constitutional rights.
    I don't think that the idiots who were caught planning to kidnap the Empress of Lansing were innocent of all laws, and even though the were pushed into it by the FBInformants, they still did do some things that deserve punishment. I submit that 30 days in jail, a 500$ fine, paid to a defendants rights group for help with legal help, and maybe 20 hours of community service would be appropriate for what they did.
    I really hate the entrapment that you see all the time. I watch shows like COPS, when they run a prostitution sting, or even a drug buy scheme, and I can't help but feel like it is a violation of the persons human rights. They play fast and loose with the actual words that they use, to entrap the person, as if by getting the citizen to say the magic words that somehow makes them guilty, when if the don't say those words, they are instead innocent.
    I have never paid for sex myself, preferring to charge it, and pay for it later, and pay I have. But if I were a single man, with no ties, and were approached by a decent looking woman, who offered sex, for money, I have to say, at some points in my life, it might have been tempting. Not that I can say that I would have done that, but it might have been tempting. Then to have the police sweep in and arrest me because I said some magic words, I would spend the money needed to hire a good lawyer to fight it. Because I find police stings to be anti American and an attempt to make criminals out of innocent people, much like they are doing with gun laws.
    I believe that the powers that be, or as they could be called, the Nazis in D.C., are following the plan that they started many years ago. And the only way that it can be stopped will not be a peaceful, or pretty thing. Our founding fathers understood this, and were willing to take the necessary steps to change things. I wonder just how many of us today are willing to put the things on the line that those brave men were? Because it is not several decades down the road anymore. It is staring us in the face, and coming in our own day. If you are not mad, you have not been paying attention.

  4. Speaking of hookers...ran into one last night...she said "I will do anything for $500.00..." So I gave $500.00 and told her go paint my house...


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