
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

One tranny down

President Joe Biden's non-binary nuclear waste official has left the administration. 

Sam Brinton, 35, who uses 'they/their' pronouns, no longer has their Department of Energy job after they were accused of stealing luggage in two separate incidents. 

A Department of Energy spokesperson said on Monday evening: 'Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee. By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.'


  1. This is a good thing...

  2. I will bet the freak got ALL his outfits by stealing luggage..

  3. So many more to go unfortunately…

  4. The funniest thing I've heard about this binary crap is: If you claim to be non-binary, it automatically makes you binary - You either are binary or non-binary...only two choices.

    1. This is some real deep philosophy shit right here.

  5. Only took them, what, two weeks and only after ANOTHER Felony turned up?

    Then there's Briner swapped for a known terrorist arms dealer.

    Bribem's on a roll making us look worse EVERY DAY.

    If that had been someone on Trump's staff the mob would have been howling for a head from the instant it became known.

    Funny how that works.


  6. Most popular girl in prison 2023

    1. HooooYeah!
      Come over here and suck your wifes dick Sammy boy!

  7. He's still got his other job as a gay prostitute. Maybe he'll go to work For nancy's husband.

  8. What gets my goat about stories such as this one is, the news organization panders to the pronoun nonsense by in this case, using his "preferred" pronouns. Just call him what he is, him. Also if anything Wikipedia publishes is worth any credibility, this dude appears to have had a pretty messed up upbringing, which could explain a great deal.

    1. Fish, I dont know about calling him a "him", I'm a him, Kenny is a him, you're a him. I just dont see "him" as being on the same team.

    2. I call all the indeterminable things "it". That way I don't assume anything.

    3. Tsgt Joe. Perhaps 'freak' ?

    4. And Fish, after reviewing Brinton's Wiki page, it appears to me that all of the trauma Sam suffered during his upbringing was completely self-inflicted. Which confirms my opinion of today: HE's an attention whore, always has been. I thought that the first time I ever saw a photo of HIM.

      The question remains... who funded HIS three degrees? I smell a Soros angle here, the same as with Barry O. Creatures like them don't just magically appear. They're groomed.

    5. re -- wikipedia
      That website is a collection of rumors and gossip.
      Anybody at any time can edit any entry.
      A goofball boasted he edited several million wikipedia entries to reflect his opinions.
      As you might expect from somebody with that amount of free time, the accompanying portrait showed a pale pudgy early-20s male...
      ... complete with mandatory greasy hair in a self-inflicted hair-cut.

  9. New pronouns, was/were.
    - WDS

  10. I's say "Fuck Sam Brinton", but I won't because I don't want it taken the wrong way.

  11. They/Their were fired for stealing they/them's luggage.

  12. He's gonna need a new ensemble for his next job interview.
    Gonna make a quick trip to the airport!
    Gonna look totally fab!

  13. Now someone needs to expose 'lesi' Britney Griner.
    Bound to be a nasty op.
    I'm not volunteering.

  14. An excellent argument for retro-active abortion rights..

  15. Ya tell people over and over that these fuckin people are nuts but they won't accept it.

  16. Some state will elect it to the house or the senate soon.

  17. BREAKING NEWS: AOC had to cancel a scheduled appearance today, as she had nothing to wear after flying in. Apparently some faggot stole her suitcase. Ok, just kidding. She never goes anywhere with just one suitcase. And she travels in a horse trailer, not by plane.

  18. I wonder what Paul pelosi will get pimping this guy out at paul's bars. Besides monkey pox.

  19. This goes to prove if you're a White, Heterosexual Male, you have no place in the Bribe'Em admin. I'm sure they'll put him on paid leave for 6 months, then sneak him into Butt-a-plugs tranny dept through the "back-door" (if you know what I mean)!

  20. Knowing the government, they probably gave him a huge severence paycheck.


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