
Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Dat shit be raciss, dawg

A California high school English teacher claimed that she undermines "white supremacy" in her classroom by educating students about the overemphasis placed on writing rules and grammar usage.

According to Fox News, as a tenured English teacher at Oroville High School, Marta Shaffer began this school year by teaching parts of linguistics as a way of "fighting white supremacy in my classes." She posted on TikTok that her goal was to be "inclusive of all kinds of ways we use the language."


How nice of her to cripple her student's futures, because who in the hell is going to hire anybody for any decent paying job that can't write or speak proper English?


  1. "who in the hell is going to hire anybody for any decent paying job that can't write or speak proper English?".

    The welfare office accepts their applications and democrats accepts their votes.

    1. Tik Tok, Facebook, McDonalds, hell, the list is endless in FUSA.

  2. She needs to learn a lot about language and how it works. Grammar rules are not arbitrary. Different languages have different grammar rules, and different dialects have different grammar rules. But the rules help the language impart information. She would be more helpful in teaching the grammar rules of American English, then including additional material showing how these rules are the same/different in other American dialects, as well as Australian, British, Scottish, etc English. Also throw in how these rules are similar/different in nonEnglish languages. You know, actually teach the kids something that will challenge them, expand their minds, and gain some insight into how big and varied this world is.

    1. Is there any other country with eyes on the future of being successful that teaches their students to talk like ghetto trash or some other minority of perpetual poverty?

    2. That would be too much like work, therefore she won't do it.
      Her way, grading papers is a snap.

  3. I'm still in favor of a wall on my AZ border, I'm just wondering if we might be better off putting it on the Western border as opposed to the Southern...

    1. That's probably the best plan right there.

    2. Stupid people helping people be stupid. The racism of the left never ceases to amaze.

  4. Typical college brainwashed, white, liberal, Millennial cunt.

  5. Communication with accuracy has always been difficult; let's make it more so.


  6. English is the international language of:

    Air traffic control
    In europe, when a Dane wants to talk to a Frenchman they converse in English

  7. And don't forget Maff. Maffs beez hard too

  8. Businesses will soon be FORCED to hire them, particularly at the expense of smart, polite, educated, right thinking young people. Take a look at our 'new' military to see the template being set-up.

    1. Seriously, no business is forced to hire them. They hire them because it's cheaper. Stupid people and immigrants are less likely to complain about pay, benefits, working conditions, safety violations. You might get the rare one who gets connected to a lawyer, and hits the ghetto lottery, but at the end of the fiscal year, it ends in favor of management.

  9. So, she's going to stick it to the white man by putting darker races at further disadvantage by not teaching them proper literacy. [sarc] That totally makes sense... [/sarc] All those illegals racing into Texas seem to love the "white supremacy" in the USA.

    - Arc

  10. Doesn't the school district have a curriculum ? Do they allow the teachers to just toss out whatever they want to? are there performance standards(test scores maybe) that determine if the teacher in question is doing an adequate job ? She is in the wrong line of work.

  11. We get it, teaching is difficult, especially with your audience. Nice cop out, Toots.

  12. Apparently, it doesn't take much to be a tenured teacher in Oroville. According to Transparent California, in 2018 this America-hating fool was a substitute teacher in the district.

    Hopefully we'll be reading about her termination next week. After all, Oroville isn't exactly a hotbed of progressive thinking.

  13. Properly wielded*, English is an excellent mode of communication. With ancient roots in Celtic Briton, and accretions of Latin, Germanic, Danish, Norman, Scots, Irish and others, it has been massaged and shaped by chroniclers, poets, playwrights, essayists and novelists.
    Upon reaching America, new words were assimilated; regional dialects and idioms formed which further enhanced the possibilities of our language. (The advent of mass communications has reduced these regional differences.)

    * Chaucer, Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, Dickens, Kipling. Melville, Twain, Durant, Steinbeck, Faulkner.
    I might add our Web Host, Mr. Ken Lane. He writes a clear and lucid prose with an adept turn of phrase and the occasional wicked hook.

    Publish that book, Kenny- we ain't getting any younger!

  14. Well she is teaching in Oroville. Most of the Senior Class ( I won't say graduating) will have careers in marijuana trimming, meth manufacturing or flipping burgers in a fast food eatery.

    1. As opposed to the Senior class of loggers, timber fallers and sawmill workers that were kept busy when the Louisiana Pacific mill was the center of economic activity in Oroville before it closed down 35 years ago, laying the groundwork for the overstocked forests that destroyed Inbred Redneck's little town. Thanks, enviro-Democrat frauds.

      But I digress.

    2. Remember it well. I don't know if you are still local but, The Bear Fire wiped out some great country.

  15. I taught English as a second language, and I noticed that people quickly make decisions about the intelligence and abilities of others based on their ability to use language correctly. It's at least partially subconscious - like the "something's off" impression given by a too-soft handshake. I taught my students to understand slang - you must be able to recognize "nicetameetcha" as "Nice to meet you" but it is important that they know not to use that in a formal business situation because it comes across as disrespectful and lazy.

  16. Dieversity and inclusion brought to you by the commie teachers union.


    1. And by CA state bureaucrats. Just today, the board that creates the rules that certifies teachers was holding public hearings as to whether CA high school history teachers should be required to have degrees in history or should be allowed to teach history while having degrees in 'equity studies'.

      Critical Race Theory, here we come.

  17. I was at my cardiologists office the other day and he told me, "Dat whutchcall blood thang whut needs to circulayte beez doon awrat wid dem medicaments whut I done scribed faw you, knowwhuttimean, so jes keep on tekkin dat sheeit, ya know?"

  18. So, what about the grammar rules for Chinese, Japanese, Indian and all the other non-Caucasian languages?

  19. The cunt is evil and needs a dirt nap.

  20. Just exactly how did this idiot bitch get tenure? Oh, sorry I forgot...Oroville.

  21. I guess she's fluent in Jive as well..

    Randy: Can I get you something?
    Second Jive Dude: 'S'mofo butter layin' me to da' BONE! Jackin' me up... tight me!
    Randy: I'm sorry, I don't understand.
    First Jive Dude: Cutty say 'e can't HANG!
    Jive Lady: Oh, stewardess! I speak jive.
    Randy: Oh, good.
    Jive Lady: He said that he's in great pain and he wants to know if you can help him.
    Randy: All right. Would you tell him to just relax and I'll be back as soon as I can with some medicine?
    Jive Lady: [to the Second Jive Dude] Jus' hang loose, blood. She gonna catch ya up on da rebound on da med side.
    Second Jive Dude: What it is, big mama? My mama no raise no dummies. I dug her rap!
    Jive Lady: Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don' want no help, chump don't GET da help!
    First Jive Dude: Say 'e can't hang, say seven up!
    Jive Lady: Jive-ass dude don't got no brains anyhow! Shiiiiit.

  22. That goofball is teaching children to speak the colonizer language?


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