
Monday, December 12, 2022

Huge Wave of Liberal Men are Getting Vasectomies to Protest Overturning Roe

A large Planned Parenthood affiliate has been doing more sterilizations on men this fall since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health.


  1. This sounds like a positive development. Less liberals in the future.

  2. Remove their genes from the pool. Seems like a win win.

    1. Except these childless morons then want to influence YOUR kids. That's why they become school teachers and do trans stripper story hours .

    2. Only if you let them.

  3. And the downside is?????

  4. And why is this a problem? As Paul told the Galatians 5: 11Now, brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. 12As for those who are agitating you, I wish they would proceed to emasculate themselves!

    Seems idiots have been acting out for a long time now.

    1. Hint: Circumcision wasn't abolished. The law wasn't "nailed to the cross".
      Jesus himself said "I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it".
      In your mind, rewind 2,000 years (before Jesus was here) and read the Deuteronomy 13 test of a prophet.
      Now with that test in mind, ask yourself "Did Jesus abolish the law, thereby making himself a false prophet? Or do I just misunderstand what Jesus said? Is Paul a false prophet, or do I just misunderstand what he said?"

      I mean, Peter flat-out tells you that Paul "...writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction."

      If you think Jesus dying on the cross means the law was done away with, then pass me the hookers and blow, and watch our for your wives. I can covet them now.

      If I go to court and pay your speeding ticket for you, do you think I've "fulfilled the law" (paid your debt) or do you think you can totally go around speeding with no consequences now?

    2. Anonymous 3:46, I am not certain what you are talking about, but it seems as if you are attempting to say that we either are still living under the Law, or that we are living under both the Law and the New Testament. I am many things, some bad and some not so bad. One of the things that I tend to be pretty good at, is the study of the Bible. And I can say with assurance that we are definitely not living under the law, in any way, shape, or form. You can look at Luke 22:19-20, where Jesus tells his disciples that they are eating his body and drinking his blood, which is shed for them as the New Testament of what he is about to do.
      If we must continue to keep the law, in order to somehow earn our forgiveness of the sins that we commit, then we are in effect saying that the Bible is nothing but a series of lies, because it is full of places that tell us that our salvation comes through faith, and not works. Ephesians 2:8-9 come to mind.
      You can read for yourself, I won't take Wirecutter's blog any longer for this, as his blog is not the proper place for a religious argument. I am always ready to discuss how God has made salvation available for anyone, but I don't push it on anyone. But I also do not stand by when someone attempts to distort the truth. I apologize Ken, for even this much of a response, on your blog. I will try and refrain from it the next time. I should tell you that I was a deacon and a minister in my younger days, because I love God and I love people.

    3. Pigpen, you did good. I always read your comments because they never fail to offer something worthwhile. I won't answer the OC other than to suggest anyone reading that comment to consider the word "fulfill", because that is exactly what Jesus did. As you said, this isn't the place for such a discussion but I urge anyone questioning this topic to search the scriptures for themselves. Acts 15 might be a good place to start.

  5. A good first step.
    So is liberal wimmens getting HISterectomies,
    or both taking the covid 'vaccines'. Full course.
    Step further: keeping these retards out of the
    teaching professions, the clergy, or government.
    Or homeschool your kids.

  6. Great! Keeps these beta boys DNA out of the gene pool.

  7. Feel good story of the day, Thank you!

  8. They're already women as far as I'm concerned...

  9. Oh my. Some lefty 'men' are becoming 'responsible' men?
    I am shocked.

  10. Wishful thinking. Lame-o's weren't getting any action.

  11. What is the negative side of the story?
    Paul J

  12. So, cutting their balls off is no longer a deterrent....just like cutting off their heads was, until they became stupid....The Lord Jehovah owns their hearts and all else besides, so bring on the explosives and lets go at them hammer and sword, their ashes shall be our toiletpaper. Or maybe just a footmat.

    Fuckm. Stefan v.

  13. Great…..the Soy Boys have lower testosterone anyway so this just mean that even fewer of them will reproduce…:)

  14. Give a Darwin award to every one of these libtards.

  15. Be still, my beating heart.

    That many less Lefties in the world.

    I love it when a plan comes together.

  16. This is a Good Thing.

  17. I'd be so interested in the racial composition, as well as the age and educational level of these men.

  18. I think this should be encouraged.

  19. And we have a deepening of the gene pool!!

  20. Good. Maybe this liberal bullshit will be self-limiting.
    Please have less than 2 children--preferably zero. Please take the shot and take the risk of not being able to reproduce--and that your offspring won't be able to reproduce and spread your shitty ideas.
    Please buy really over-priced shit and eat bugs while you "think of the climate" so the price of real food (like a nice ribeye steak) drops.
    Please continue to shop at "ritzy" high-end stores so us normal people don't get screamed at for going about our business while open carrying.

  21. I've heard of and have witnessed stupid, but this comes very close to taking the prize.

  22. Translation, liberal guys just want sex without strings. They don't want to have to get jobs and support something poked in fun for eighteen years.

  23. There ain't no lifeguard at the Gene pool... just don't tell them!!

  24. These eunuchs could make a statement against rape and have a useless appendage removed but do not?

  25. I've always wondered why an outfit call "Planned Parenthood" doesn't do vasectomies and abortions.

  26. Excellent news, the less we have those nutless wonders teaching their kids how to live, the more the chance of civilization righting itself up. Some crazee bullshit out there.

  27. I appreciate the gesture but it does not go far enough. I think liberals (male , female and others) ought to commit suicide to prove their point. Not the sissy slitting your wrists in a bathtub while knocking back a bottle of Chardonay . Do it bigly ! Dive head first into a wood chipper or something , make a statement !


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