
Monday, December 12, 2022

Civil Disobedience Starts Here

As COVID-19 cases increase, the Los Angeles County public health director is threatening – yes, that’s the right word – another indoor mask mandate. It’s a hob-nailed boot on the neck. Angelenos need to resist, for themselves and the rest of the country.


Before mask madness spreads like an out-of-control virus to other states, the resistance has to start in California. Refuse to obey groundless rules. Defy the petty tyrants. Ignore their diktats. Send the message that their abuse of power will no longer be tolerated. Law enforcement departments should announce they will not enforce a coercive order from an unelected bureaucracy while liberty-minded lawyers wallop Los Angeles County with a lawsuit that hurts.


Nice words, but the fact of the matter is people in Los Angeles especially and Californians in general not only accept this crap but they seem to embrace it in spite of Aesop's predictions that soon they'll rise up and start 'shooting motherfuckers in the face'.


  1. Nope. Didn't play last time, ain't playin' this time. I found that if you walk around making direct eye contact and glare angrily at maskholes, they will not dare say a word to a freeman without his mask of oppression.

  2. Well, Assop is full of hot air, wrong (most) all the time, and cops a hissy fit if you question his self noted brilliance.
    He also threatened to kill those of us that refused the jab, masking and lockdowns. So fuck you assop.
    Californians either leave the state or keep voting for stupidity, and guess what? Assop's still there! What a coincidence!

    1. You're talking out of your other end, and I made no such threats.
      Put up, or shut up, shit-talker, and go fuck yourself right back.

    2. Aesop, how about you stick to insulting your own readers? You're not impressing anybody, trust me.

  3. Take or use the advise of the uncivil and immoral at your own peril. It went bad after they decided to try to make it mandatory.

  4. I've made nice money betting against General Aesop's advice so far. When he said the Ruble was toast, I went to my broker and did some FX and sadly cashed out too soon but still a nice profit as the ruble-dollar ratio climbed radically after sanctions.

    I Do wonder how Aesop has had time to be a marine, a hollywierd medic and an ER-RN and STILL find time to become expert in every subject he blogs about.

    That poor Retired Col that disagrees with Aesop's the "Russians are Losing" saga has been fisked by Aesop as a complete moron.

    Plague Monk said...
    Out of curiosity, have you seen the columns by a Col. MacGregor, who keeps claiming that Russia is going to devastate/destroy Ukraine Real Soon Now?
    Link to his latest at WRSA:
    IIRC, he's been predicting a Russian victory since the war began. I've suffered through a few of his videos. When he talks about things I'm familiar with, such as military engineering design and technology, I tend to lump him with the Comic Book Magnate and others of that ilk.

    December 10, 2022 at 12:55 PM

    @Plague Monk,
    AFter the 4th or fifth time someone demanded a review, I suffered through one of his published screeds. He got three things wrong in his opening sentence, and nothing right in his first two paragraphs out of a 14-paragraph polemic, and other than the 50-200 recent historical facts and incidents with which he seemed wholly unfamiliar, I got a pretty clear picture of why senior command ended his career short of a star. he was probably a clusterfuck as a captain, but managed to hang around long enough for a pension.

    He's more of a Putin fanboy (minus any explanation for that) than FSB-cheerleader the Saker, and other than an utter dearth of basic competence with personnnel, intelligence, training, operations, logistics, communication, combined arms, supporting arms, or command, he's totally the guy I'd choose for an Airsoft game if I wanted to lose big.

    When I see his name, all I can see are everything wrong with the military in general and the Army in detail since 1960.

    And those are his good points.

    1. Just to be clear, Wirecutter, are you implying that Plague Monk is Aesop?
      For the record, I agree with Aesop on most issues that he discusses on his site. Aesop is a Christian, whereas these days I'm a militant atheist, racist eugenics supporter who has reluctantly retired from a nearly 40 year career as an engineering designer. I can provide my real name if you would like, but I prefer to use the Plague Monk tag on most of the blogger sites that I frequent. I use other handles for the engineering sites, Games Workshop, history and other sites that I go to.

    2. I read some stuff of his here and there years ago. His handle cropped up a few times since. I didn't know he'd gone round the bend.


    3. Plague Monk: No, not at all. Didn't mean to imply that. I had a hard time understanding Michael's comment but published it anyway figuring everybody else could.

    4. Michael, you cleverly always leave out of that tale the part where the ruble cratered within a week of war breaking out at 300K to an ounce of gold (when it had been at 160K prior). Putin had to pretend to tie it to gold to staunch the bleeding. And now, nobody but Russia will take rubles anyways, and the Russians aren't trading their gold for your rubles in any event. Anyone who cares to could look it up.,13.94%25%20from%20one%20year%20ago.
      You want to trade one set of fiatbux for another, go ahead on. The difference between rubles, dollars, and FTX is simply one of time.

      MacGregor's been telling everyone every other day Russai's going to win, any minute now. For eight months. How's that working out in Kiev? Kherson? Donetsk? Which way are the Russians moving, for three months now? Where's their navy? Where's their air force?
      That's MacGregor's crackpot analysis for you.
      Meanwhile, you keep trying to puzzle out my life story, and getting it wrong. Try posting something clever without reference to me, just for the novelty.

      As for the OP, Kenny, you lived here. You know better than to compare people in L.A. or Frisco with actual Californians. 90% of either town wasn't even born here, and lives here either for the weather, out of simple inertia, or both.
      Let L.A. mask up. Idiots there had one of the biggest outbreaks, and it didn't do a damned bit to help them, except into bankruptcy. Better yet, they should put up roadblocks, to keep people inside L.A. County full-time. It'd serve the lot of them right, and most of the rest of the state would build a wall to make it permanent. The few good ones trapped behind enemy lines would give them one helluva run for their money to boot.

      And I sign my posts, one way, just like this one.

    5. Wrong. If they live there, work there, vote there and pay taxes there, they're Californians. Own it, dude.
      That's like telling me I'm not a Tennessean even though I had sense enough to blow that fucking hellhole called California years ago and settle here.

  5. Fuck LA, Fuck California, Fuck the masking and Fuck Joe Biden!

  6. Please don't take the power of wannabee dictators away!

  7. Wait, we have to sign up to shoot those motherfuckers in the face, or is it just a given? Asking for a friend.

  8. FWIW: I still live in L.A., primarily due to aging parents here. Masks? Hard NO. And when these little busybody Karens get up in my face and tell me all about how I'm endangerating them, I tell them to fuck off. And fuck offing they go.


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